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A web server framework written on top of Flask which lets you focus on your ideas 🍑

Actually spend time making your next app, we will do the annoying stuff for you!

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Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You will need Python 3 to use this module

# vermin output
Minimum required versions: 3.8
Incompatible versions:     2

Always check if your Python version works with Nasse before using it in production.


Option 1: From PyPI

pip install --upgrade nasse

This will install the latest stable version from PyPI

Option 2: From Git

pip install --upgrade git+

This will install the latest development version from the git repository

You can check if you successfully installed it by printing out its version:

$ nasse --version


This web server framework aims at bringing a new powerful tool to make your web application development easier.

It brings type safety, along with automatic documentation to force you write clean and safe code while avoiding unnecessary checks and data validation.



# my_project/api/v1/

import json

from flask import Flask, request
from flask_compress import Compress
from flask_cors import CORS
from flask_talisman import Talisman

app = Flask(__name__)

# after a quick StackOverflow search
EMAIL_REGEX = re.compile(r'\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z|a-z]{2,7}\b')

@app.route("/api/v1/accounts/profile", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def v1_accounts_profile():
    username = request.params.get("username", None)
    if not username:
        return 400, json.dumps({"error": "MISSING_ARG", "message": "The `username` argument is missing from the request"})
    password = request.params.get("password", None)
    if not password:
        return 400, json.dumps({"error": "MISSING_ARG", "message": "The `password` argument is missing from the request"})

    # ...password validation and all...

    if str(request.method).upper() == "POST":
        email = request.params.get("email", None)
        if email and not EMAIL_REGEX.fullmatch(email):
            return 400, json.dumps({"error": "WRONG_EMAIL", "message": "The `email` argument doesn't seem to be a valid email address"})
        return 200, json.dumps({"error": None, "message": "Account successfully created"})

    return 200, json.dumps({"error": None, "message": "Welcome back!"})
<!-- my_project/docs/ -->

# Accounts

This file documents the correct way of using the accounts management endpoints for my project.

## v1/accounts

Here is an explanation...


# my_project/api/v1/

import re
from nasse import Nasse, Endpoint, Param, Login
from nasse.utils.types import Email, LimitedString

app = Nasse()

class Username(LimitedString):
    LIMIT = 200 # only allowing 200 characters

class Password(LimitedString):
    LIMIT = 100
    REGEX = re.compile(r"^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[@$!%*?&])[A-Za-z\d@$!%*?&]{8,}$")
    THROW = True

ACCOUNTS_MANAGEMENT = Endpoint(category="Accounts Management", login=Login(required=True))

    endpoint=ACCOUNTS_MANAGEMENT, # this will take ACCOUNTS_MANAGEMENT as the base
    methods=["GET", "POST"],
        Param("username", {
            "GET": "The username of the user to check the authentication",
            "POST": "A new username"
        }, type=Username),
        Param("email", "The user's email address", methods="POST", required=False, type=Email),
        Param("password", "The user's password", type=Password),
def profile(method: str, username: str, password: str, email: str = None): # all of this comes from the request params and are type safe/validated
    if method == "POST":
        return 200, "Account created successfully"
    return 200, "Welcome back"

# This will actually generate all of the docs for you !

Tip: You can also use nasse my_project/api/v1/ to run without calling!

But it could even look like this:

# my_project/api/v1/

import re
from nasse import Nasse, Endpoint, Login
from nasse.utils.types import Email, LimitedString

app = Nasse()

class Username(LimitedString):
    LIMIT = 200 # only allowing 200 characters

class Password(LimitedString):
    LIMIT = 100
    REGEX = re.compile(r"^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[@$!%*?&])[A-Za-z\d@$!%*?&]{8,}$")
    THROW = True

@app.route(category="Accounts Management", methods=["GET", "POST"], login=Login(no_login=True))
def profile(method: str, username: Username, password: Password, email: Email = None):
    if method == "POST":
        return 200, "Account created successfully"
    return 200, "Welcome back"



Creating a new app

Creating a new app is dead simple.

Just import the Nasse object and create a new instance of it

>>> from nasse import Nasse
>>> app = Nasse()

This is the bare minimum, but you should of course configure it.

You should at least give it a name and configure the CORS domains.

>>> app = Nasse("My App", cors="")

Lots of things will be initialized with their default configuration.

If you want to customize them, you might want to take a look at the nasse.config.NasseConfig object, which has all the Nasse configuration.

Some strings support the Nasse string formatting. For example: NasseConfig.server_header supports it, and the default value is : nasse/{version} ({name}). The {version} and {name} parts will be filled automatically.

The account_management parameter should be of instance models.AccountManagement and is used to manage the users authentications.


>>> from import TokenManagement
>>> from account_management import get_account_by_id
>>> from nasse.models import AccountManagement
>>> tm = TokenManagement()
>>> class NewAccountManagement(AccountManagement):
...     def retrieve_type(self, account):
...         return "admin" if == "123abc" else "user"
...     def retrieve_account(self, token: str):
...         return get_account_by_id(tm.decode(token))
...     def verify_token(self, token: str):
...         try:
...             tm.decode(token)
...             return True
...         except Exception:
...             return False
>>> app = Nasse(account_management=NewAccountManagement())

You can also specify specific Flask parameters using the flask_options parameter if needed.

Flask integration

Nasse being built on top of Flask, it is fully compatible with its ecosystem.

As said before, lots of Flask settings are available and exposed to you.

Flask Configuration

You can configure the Flask app using the flask_options parameter when instantiating a new Nasse instance.

But you can also use the Nasse.flask attribute, which exposes the underlying Flask app to use your favorite plugins !


If for whatever reason you need to add a Flask plugin :

from nasse import Nasse
from flask_cool_plugin_yay import CoolPlugin

app = Nasse()

or if a service expect a flask app, you can trick it to expose the Flask app :

from nasse import Nasse

nasse_app = Nasse()
app = nasse_app.flask # this is the Flask app

In the routes

Most of your Flask compatible code should probably already be compatible with Nasse.

For example, the route and methods parts of the app.route function work the same way as Flask.


With Flask

This is a very basic way of using Flask.

from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route("/hello", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def hello():
    return 200, "Hello {}".format(request.params.get("name", "world"))

With Nasse

Well this already works with Nasse !

from nasse import Nasse, request
app = Nasse(__name__)

@app.route("/hello", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def hello():
    return 200, "Hello {}".format(request.params.get("name", "world"))

But can also be changed like this :

from nasse import Nasse, Param
app = Nasse()

@app.route(methods=["GET", "POST"], params=Param("name", required=False))
def hello(name: str = "World"):
    return 200, "Hello {}".format(name)

Registering new endpoints

You can register new endpoints using the route decorator, just like Flask!

>>> @app.route("/hello")
>>> def hello():
...     return "Hello World!"

But did you know that this worked too?

>>> @app.route()
>>> def hello():
...     return "Hello World!"

Where's the "/hello" part?

If you don't specify it, it will be automatically generated from the function name.

You can follow a specific syntax for your functions name to create rich routes:

  • To create a hyphen "-", use an upper case letter, kinda like when you use camelCase.

def myRoute() β‡’ /my-route

  • To create a new slash "/", use an underscore "_".

def my_route() β‡’ /my/route

  • To create a new dynamic parameter, use a double underscore "__".

def my__route__(route) β‡’ /my/<route>/

  • You can mix everything up as you wish.

def my_helloWorld_route__name__(name) β‡’ /my/hello-world/route/<name>/

Also, the directory the function is in will be used to determine the route, this behavior can be changed with the base_dir parameter of the endpoint.

You can then use parameters to configure and document the endpoint.

Documenting your endpoints

You can configure the endpoint by passing it a nasse.models.Endpoint instance.

Everything is meant to be reusable to write less and more readable code.

For example, you could define a basic and global endpoint configuration for all your endpoints at the top level.

Then configure a general endpoint configuration for the endpoint file.

And then make specific tweaking for each endpoint.

To inherit the configuration from another endpoint, you just need to pass the endpoint to the endpoint parameter of the new Endpoint.

>>> from nasse.models import Endpoint
>>> from config import BASE_ENDPOINT
>>> from account_management import all_accounts
    category="Account Management",
>>> @app.route("/accounts", endpoint=Endpoint(
    description="Get all of the accounts"
>>> def accounts():
...     return all_accounts()

But did you know that defining your functions the right way (giving a good name, type-hinting them and adding doc-strings) would already give Nasse enough information to build a nicely documented endpoint.

For example

>>> from nasse import Parameter
>>> @app.route(
        parameters=[Parameter("username"), Parameter("limit", type=int, required=False)],
        description="This returns all accounts"
... def accounts_endpoint(username: str, limit=100):
...     return get_accounts(username)

Could be rewritten as:

>>> @app.route
... def accounts(username: str, limit: int = 100):
...     """This returns all accounts"""
...     return get_accounts()

This is the most natural way of writing your endpoints, almost as if your function never leaved Python.

And by using the miko documentation style, you can even add descriptions to your parameters:

>>> @app.route
... def accounts(username: str, limit: int = 100):
...     """
...     This returns all accounts
...     Parameters
...     ----------
...     limit: int
...         An upper boundary for the number of accounts to return
...     """
...     return get_accounts()

The name of the endpoint will be the name of the function and its category will be the name of the file you defined the function in.

We understand that it is not required to list all parameters in the doc-string.

Note that Nasse will automatically detect the different dynamic parts of the path:

>>> @app.route
... def hello__someone__(someone: str):
...     return f"Hello {someone}"
>>> @app.route
... def repeat__msg__(msg: str, number: int = 10):
...     """
...     Repeats the given element `number` times
...     Parameters
...     ----------
...     msg: str
...         The element to repeat
...     number
...         The number of times to repeat it
...     """
...     return [msg] * number

You can also specify the return value from within the function definition:

>>> from nasse import Nasse, Response, Return
>>> app = Nasse()
>>> # Basic example
>>> @app.route
... def hello(username: str = "someone") -> Response[Return("hello", example="someone")]:
... """A hello world"""
... return Response({"hello": username})
>>> # A bit more complex
>>> @app.route
... def hello(method: str, username: str = "someone") -> Response[{"GET": Return("hello"), "POST": Return("hi")}]:
... """A hello world"""
... if method == "POST":
...     return Response({"hi": username})
... return Response({"hello": username})

You can then use the same syntax as when documenting returning in the Endpoint class.

Refer to Return for the Return class explanation.

Type checkers won't complain because of the use of Response, which technically your function returns.

It is very important to rightfully document your endpoints because it will be used to process the requests and validate the inputs.

Documentation Values


The models.Return model is used to document what the endpoint returns.

Here are its parameters:

  • name: The name of the field
  • example: An example of returned value
  • description: A description of the returned value
  • type: The type of returned value
  • children: The different children values
  • nullable: If this value is can be null (None)


The models.Login model is used to document how a user can authenticate its request with this endpoint.

Here are its parameters:

  • required: If the login is required or not. The user may still authenticate.
  • types: Accepted types of accounts
  • skip: Whether to completely skip or not the authentication step
  • skip_fetch: Whether to skip fetching the account or not. This effectively only checks if the provided token is correct or not.


The models.UserSent model is used to document what the user can send to the endpoint.

Here are its parameters:

  • name: The name of the value sent
  • description: A description of the value sent
  • required: If the value is required or not
  • type: The type of value sent by the user

models.Dynamic, models.Parameter, models.Header and models.Cookie are all aliases of models.UserSent


The models.Error model is used to document what errors can be returned by the endpoint.

Here are its parameters:

  • name: The name of the error
  • description: A description of a situation where this error might be raised
  • code: The status code of the response sent along this error


The context values will be of the type you provided in the endpoint definition.

There are multiple ways you can access a request context.

You can import the request global variable from nasse

>>> from nasse import request
>>> request.values

But a better way would be to directly ask for it inside your endpoint function parameter.

You can ask whatever you want from there.

>>> @app.route()
>>> def hello(request): # this will ask Nasse for the `request` object
...     return request.values
>>> @app.route
>>> def hello(headers): # this will ask Nasse for the request `headers`
...     return headers

Here is a list of parameters you can ask for:

  • app: The current Nasse app instance
  • endpoint: The current Nasse endpoint
  • request: The current request context
  • method: The HTTP method of the request
  • values: The URL/form values of the request
  • args: The URL arguments of the request
  • form: The form values of the request
  • headers: The headers of the request
  • account: The authenticated account for the request
  • dynamics: The dynamic route parameters of the request

And their aliases

  • nasse: An alias for app
  • nasse_endpoint: An alias for endpoint
  • params: An alias for values

Any other requested parameter will be either a dynamic route parameter or a URL/form parameter.

Those request parameters can also be used to document your endpoints, please look at the Documenting your endpoints section for more information.

Returned Values

You can return any kind of value from your endpoint function.

There are multiple ways to return values:

  • Using the response.Response class
... return Response(
        "X-ANISE-CACHE": "HIT"
  • Using only the data
... return "Hello World"
# or
... return binary_data # of instance `bytes`
  • Using a dictionary

The dictionary will be automatically passed to response.Response

... return {
    "data": data,
    "code": 200,
    "headers": {
        "X-ANISE-CACHE": "HIT"

If the dictionary can't be passed to response.Response, it will be treated as part of the data to send back.

... return {"greeting": "Hello World"}
  • Using an iterable, like a tuple
... return 200, "Hello World"
# or
... return ("Hello World", 200)

On debug mode, a set of timing header headers will automatically be returned.

Error handling

Even if your application encounters an error/exception, it will be automatically caught by Nasse and correctly formatted to be safely returned to the client.

Tip: You should use the nasse.exceptions.NasseException class to create your own exceptions. This way, you will be able to fully customize the error response.

But even with regular Exception exceptions, Nasse will attempt to generate an error name and a description without leaking too much information.


If the endpoint is configured as a JSON endpoint, it will be formatted using the following schema, and will have some features added.

    "success": true,
    "error": null,
    "message": "",
    "data": {}

Nasse uses a custom JSON encoder to fully customize it and avoiding bugs.

Also, on debug mode, the response will have an additional debug field containing the debug information.

If the format parameter is set to xml or html when making the request, the response will be automatically converted to an XML format. Example: /hello?format=xml will produce a XML formatted output.


Nasse is shipped with a set of utilities that you can use inside your application.

They are mostly located inside the utils module.


You should use Nasse's logging system to log stuff on your console to avoid any issue with rich.

You can access the logging instance as a global variable :

from nasse.utils.logging import logger


Or use the one on your Nasse instance :

from nasse import Nasse

app = Nasse()

You can actually decide to only include the message to the log file and not print it on the console by using the HIDDEN logging level :

logger.hidden("Hello") # this will add the hello message to the log file but not STDOUT

The logger supports Nasse's string formatting.

String Formatting

String formatting is a way of making template strings which will dynamically change its value with variables.

In python, the format function allows strings to use variables to create strings :

name = "world"

# are all equivalent
"Hello {}".format(name)
"Hello {name}".format(name=name)
f"Hello {name}"

With Nasse, you can use this string formatting syntax, but with default values which can be automatically filled :

from nasse.utils import formatter

formatter.format("Hello {name} from process {pid}", name="world")

Most of the time, this is used when logging stuff to the console :

logger.print("Hello {user} from process {pid}", user="world")
Here is a list of default variables you can use with Nasse's string formatting
  • normal
  • grey
  • gray
  • red
  • green
  • blue
  • cyan
  • turquoise
  • white
  • yellow
  • purple
  • pink
  • magenta
  • name
  • app
  • id
  • host
  • port
  • debug
  • version
  • base_dir
  • time
  • caller
  • thread
  • pid
  • cwd
  • Running the server

    Running the server is as easy as calling

    You can also use the terminal to directly run the server. Head over to Runner for further information.

    Where app is your Nasse instance.

    You can specify the backend you want to use to run the server using one of the already defined nasse.servers... objects are a custom-made one, following the nasse.servers.ServerBackend class.

    You can here specify the host and port to run the server on.

    If not specified, the host and port will be used.

    On debug mode, Nasse will reload on any file change.

    Tip: You can use the include and exclude parameters to specify which files to watch for.

    Generate documentation

    With the data you provided to the endpoints, Nasse is able to generate markdown and postman documentation for you.

    Use the make_docs method inside your application to generate the documentation.

    >>> app.make_docs()

    You can also use the terminal to generate the docs. Head over to Docs for further information.

    It will generate the examples, usage and explanation for each endpoint, along with an index of the endpoints and a general explanation at the top.

    The Postman documentation is a set of JSON files, one for each category, that you can import inside Postman to test your API.

    It will create a docs directory in the current directory to put both documentations.


    You can now use the docs' localization feature which lets you use a different language for your docs !

    from nasse import Nasse
    from nasse.localization import JapaneseLocalization
    app = Nasse()
    app.make_docs("./docs/jpa", localization=JapaneseLocalization, javascript=False)

    Here are the built-in languages :

    • English
    • French
    • Japanese

    But you can create your own translation by sub-classing nasse.localization.Localization



    You can directly run your Nasse apps using the CLI.

    To do so, head over to your terminal and enter:

    nasse <>

    This should run the app with the default parameters.

    If you want to customize the running behaviors, you can use the arguments with a (server) note prepended to their explanation when you run the --help command:

    $ nasse --help
    usage: nasse [-h] [--version] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--server SERVER] [--watch [WATCH ...]] [--ignore [IGNORE ...]] [--debug] [--config CONFIG]
    A web server framework written on top of Flask which lets you focus on your ideas 🍑
    positional arguments:
      input                 The file or URL to use with nasse
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --version, -v         show program's version number and exit
      --host HOST           (server) The host to bind to
      --port PORT, -p PORT  (server) The port to bind to
      --server SERVER, -s SERVER
                            (server) The server to use (accepts: flask, gunicorn)
      --watch [WATCH ...], -w [WATCH ...]
                            (server) Files to watch changes on debug mode
      --ignore [IGNORE ...], -i [IGNORE ...]
                            (server) Files to ignore when watching for file changes on debug mode
      --debug, -d           (server) To run with debug mode enabled
      --config CONFIG, -c CONFIG
                            (server) A configuration file for extra arguments passed to the server

    The --config argument takes in a JSON file containing the different configurations you would like to pass in to the run function of your Nasse instance.


    You can use the CLI to directly generate the docs:

    nasse --make-docs <your_app>.py

    You can also customize the docs' generation using arguments:

    $ nasse --help
    usage: nasse [-h] [--version] [--make-docs] [--language LANGUAGE]
                 [--output OUTPUT] [--docs-curl] [--docs-javascript] [--docs-python]
    A web server framework written on top of Flask which lets you focus on your ideas 🍑
    positional arguments:
      input                 The file or URL to use with nasse
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --version, -v         show program's version number and exit
      --make-docs, -md, --docs, --generate-docs
                            (docs) Generates the docs and exits
      --language LANGUAGE, --localization LANGUAGE
                            (docs) The docs language
      --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT, --docs-dir OUTPUT, --docs_dir OUTPUT
                            (docs) The directory to output the docs
      --docs-curl           (docs) If we need to render the curl examples
      --docs-javascript     (docs) If we need to render the javascript examples
      --docs-python         (docs) If we need to render the python examples

    Here are the languages you can use to generate the docs:

    Those codes are the name of the file the Localization object was created in

    HTTP App

    You can also use the built-in HTTP app to test your endpoints.

    This app might be familiar to those using the Postman software.

    To open it, just enter


    This should open the app, and you should land on this page:

    HTTP App β€” Main Page


    The Request tab is the main tab to prepare your requests.

    The first two inputs lets you choose the HTTP method to use and the URL to submit the requests to.

    The inputted URL can be an absolute URL or a relative path. In the latter case, the URL provided when launching the app or the one inputted in the Options tab will be used to complete it.

    HTTP App β€” Request Tab


    When you submit a request, by pressing S or clicking the Submit button on the footer, the Result tab should open automatically.

    Click on it to expand it.

    HTTP App β€” Result Tab

    You can here see the details of your request, or the details of the error if the request errored out.

    HTTP App β€” Result Tab, Error


    The history tab keeps a history of your requests.

    You can click on any request to see its details in the Result tab.

    The bottom part of the history tab shows a graph with the time it took to make each request.

    HTTP App β€” History Tab, Ping


    The explorer can be used when you are testing a Nasse server in DEBUG MODE (--debug enabled)

    If I go into playground/readme and I run the server:

    πŸ§ƒβ― python --debug
    2023/08/11, 18:55:59 | [WARNING] (yay) DEBUG MODE IS ENABLED
    2023/08/11, 18:55:59 | [INFO] (yay) 🎏 Press Ctrl+C to quit
    2023/08/11, 18:55:59 | [INFO] (yay) 🌍 Binding to
    🍑 yay is running on β€” 0:00:04

    I can then run the HTTP app:


    And will see the different endpoints in the explorer:

    HTTP App β€” Explorer Tab


    The options screen will let you easily configure the app:

    HTTP App β€” Options Screen

    All the modifications will be stored in the current directory and be restored on the next launch.

    File browser

    The file browser is used throughout the app whenever it needs a file input.

    You can filter the different files and folders by starting to type your keyword.

    HTTP App β€” File Browser Screen

    You can then navigate using the arrows on your keyboard and select your file by pressing ENTER.


    This module is currently in development and might contain bugs.

    Please verify and test your endpoints thoroughly before releasing anything at a production stage.

    Feel free to report any issue you might encounter on Nasse's GitHub page.


    Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open a discussion first to discuss what you would like to change.

    Built With

    • Flask - Nasse is built on top of flask to provide the interface
    • watchdog - To watch for file changes
    • Werkzeug - Flask's core
    • bleach - To sanitize inputs
    • rich - To provide good-looking console outputs
    • textual - To build the HTTP TUI
    • Flask-Compress - To compress the responses



    Thanks to CherryPieWithPoison for the Statue of the Seven model.

    Β© 2021 - 2022 CherryPieWithPoison

    The Dictionary to XML conversion is heavily inspired by dict2xml by delfick.

    Licensed under the MIT License. More information in the header of the file.


    This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for more details