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Anobium edited this page Oct 17, 2020 · 5 revisions



These insights apply to both PKCMD (Windows) and PKCMD-LX (Linux).

Solution Architecture:

These components are key for a complete solution:

  1. Archive: .rar (Windows) or .tar.gz (Linux)
  2. AppImage (Linux)
  3. PKPlusDeviceFile.dat file
  4. ini file (Windows)

Archive file

PKCMD (Windows) comes as a RAR file containing an installer. To install, first extract the installer and then run it.

PKCMD-LX (Linux) comes as a .tar.gz file. To update PKCMD-LX, replace your current AppImage and DAT files with the new ones from the archive. Then, ensure that the AppImage has the executable permission (using chmod +x /path/to/appimage)


The PKCMD-LX .tar.gz file contains two AppImages - one for 32-bit, the other for 64-bit. You should use the appropriate AppImage for your operating system.

If you are unsure about your system’s bittedness, execute uname -a from a terminal. If the output contains "x86_64", then you are 64-bit. If, on the other hand, you find something like "i686", then you’re running 32-bit.

If all else fails, try running one of the AppImages (after giving it the executable permission with chmod). If you get an error about it not being a valid executable, then it’s the wrong one.

PKPlusDeviceFile.dat file

To update just the DAT file, simply replace your existing file with the new one.

The DAT file must be located alongside your PKCMD exe (Windows) or PKCMD-LX AppImage (Linux).

ini Files

PKCMD (Windows) has an .ini file, which you may modify if desired.

PKCMD-LX (Linux) does not currently use a configuration file of any sort.

Software Updates

We provide one year of software support/maintenance from the date of purchase, this support/maintenance can be extended each year for an additional fee.  

During your support period, you may occasionally receive an email with information to update the software via your user specific download URL. You may choose to update, or not, entirely at your own discretion.  

PKPlusDeviceFile Updates

We also provide updates to the PKPlusDeviceFile.dat file.  

You will occasionally receive an email with information to update the DAT file via your user specific download URL.  

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