!pip install tensorflow
!pip install keras
!pip install pandas
!pip install numpy
!pip install matplotlib
- Baselines.ipynb: Implementation of Baseline Models using Vanilla Finetuning and Transfer Learning on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100
- Attention-CNN.ipynb: Contains code for proposed three self-attention based architectures. Contains heat map generation for error analysis
- Download the ipynb files from the repository
- Create a new folder named 'CS591 Final Project - AttentionCNN' on Google Colab (can also have other name for the folder, but then edit the file locations in the Attention-CNN.ipynb)
- Upload both the notebooks in the parent folder created
- To get the baseline model's performance run Baselines.ipynb file
- Run Attention-CNN.ipynb for execution of the proposed architectures on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100