Antidote channels is a messaging middleware that provides different communication patterns on top of a common interface. Right now we support Publish/Subscribe and RPC channels over RabbitMQ and ZeroMQ.
Different channels types are initiated using configurations. Here is a publisher:
Config = #{
module => channel_rabbitmq,
pattern => pub_sub,
namespace => <<>>,
network_params => #{
host => {0,0,0,0},
port => Port
{ok, Channel} = antidote_channel:start_link(Config),
And here is the subscriber:
Config = #{
module => channel_rabbitmq,
pattern => pub_sub,
handler => self(),
topics => [<<"TOPIC">>],
namespace => <<>>,
network_params => #{
remote_host => {127,0,0,1},
remote_port => Port
{ok, Channel} = antidote_channel:start_link(Config);
To send a message:
antidote_channel:send(Channel, #pub_sub_msg{topic = <<"TOPIC">>, payload = Message}),
Pub/Sub messages are delivered asynchronously (handler must be a gen_server).
handle_cast(#pub_sub_msg{payload = Message}, State) -> ...
We provide an extensible interface through the antidote_channel behaviour.
-callback init_channel(Config :: channel_config()) -> {ok, State :: channel_state()} | {error, Reason :: term()}.
-callback send(Msg :: message(), Params :: map(), State :: channel_state()) -> {ok, State :: channel_state()}.
-callback deliver(Info :: message_payload(), State :: channel_state()) -> {
event(), message_payload()} | {event(), internal_msg(), message_payload()} | {error, Reason :: atom()}.
-callback reply(RequestId :: reference(), Reply :: any(), State :: channel_state()) -> any().
-callback handle_message(Msg :: internal_msg(), State :: channel_state()) -> {ok, NewState :: channel_state()} | {error, Reason :: atom()}.
-callback is_alive(NetworkParams :: term()) -> true | false.