Instead of reading this documentation have a look at the video :
Send to Google Analytics how many Android Chrome mobile users use your website in WIFI / 4G / 3G Fast / 3G SLOW / 2G.
Send to GA the Time to first byte / Time to fist paint / Loadtime of the first landing other page views (with cache) will be ignored.
This code uses the netinfo API ( only available in Android + Chrome >= 59 ), so this will not track all your mobile sessions but you can extrapolate those numbers to have a good idea of the connectivity used across your website.
Mobile emulation with chrome dev tool will not fire the code only available in Android + Chrome >= 59 For debugging purposes please use the remote USB debugger.
- When the mobile user loads the landing page we check if we can detect his connection type.
- If we have his connection type we send to GA an event
- We save the loading Time to first byte / Time to fist paint / Loadtime by sending it to GA via the User timing API
- We put a cookie on the user's browser so we don't send the loading time for the next pages ( with browser caching )
I grouped the "similar connections' as follow :
Copy paste the content of the build/GaMobileConnectionType.min.js
just after the ga('send','pageview')
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-45800571-1', 'auto');
ga('send', 'pageview');
// Paste the content of build/GaMobileConnectionType.min.js here
- Go to Admin -> View -> Goal
- Create a new custom goal.
- Give a name to your custom goal
- Select event
- Only add the category
Do the same with other connection types ( 2G / 3G / H + ) ( check the table for all the labels' names)
Use the custom segement to filter your data.
Here I can see the split of my users based on the location and connectivity
Take a look a this video and how to setup the tag with GTM :
Setup in GTM these DataLayer variables :
Add a trigger :
With a trigger type of customEvent set the eventName as connectivityDetected
Add two tags :
New tag -> tag configuration -> universal analytics
Set track type as event and put as category the variables previously created in the data layer :
NB: Put non-interaction event as true
As a trigger select the trigger connectivityDetected
that we created.
Add a second tag
Add a custom HTML tag and copy / paste the content of this file :
Put all pages as a trigger.
No ! Because we fire a 'non-interaction event' more info here
Yes !
If you are a simple user you can't stop reading here.
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grunt watch
npm test