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Antori91 edited this page Apr 14, 2021 · 15 revisions

Overall Architecture

Landscape Architecture

How Mqtt is involved in the cluster feature

Landscape Mqtt-Architecture

How Dahua VTH and Domoticz SecPanel work together to arm/disarm the alarm

Alarm Architecture

Some DIY sensors wiring

DHT22 Temperature/Humidity sensor Temp Sensor

ACS712 Current sensor Current Sensor

MQ-2 smoke sensor Smoke Sensor

The cookbook to install the full features stack:

  • Three servers. Synology (or Raspberry#0): main Domoticz server, Raspberry#1: backup Domoticz server and Raspberry#2: dedicated Alarm server. Software:

    • MQTT for the three servers. To install on Raspbian Jessie or Buster:
        - wget
        - sudo apt-key add mosquitto-repo.gpg.key
        - cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
        - sudo wget
        or for Buster: sudo wget
        - sudo apt-get update
        - sudo apt-cache search mosquitto
        - sudo apt-get install mosquitto
    • Node.js for the three servers (version greater than 6 for the two Raspberry#1 and #2) with packages mqtt (all), ssh2 (Raspberry#1), epoll and rpi-gpio (Raspberry#2):
        - sudo apt-get update
        - sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
        - curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
        - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
        - sudo apt update
        - sudo apt install nodejs
        - sudo apt install npm
        Jessie or Buster:
        - npm install mqtt
        - npm install ssh2
        - npm install epoll
        - npm install rpi-gpio
    • nginx for Raspberry#1 (and Raspberry#0 if main server is not Synology). To install latest nginx (1.10.3) and ssl version on Raspbian Jessie:
        - sudo apt-get update
        - sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
        - sudo bash -c 'cat << EOF >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nginx.list
        -   deb jessie-backports main contrib non-free
        - EOF' 
        - gpg --keyserver --recv-key  8B48AD6246925553      
        - gpg -a --export 8B48AD6246925553 | sudo apt-key add -
        - gpg --keyserver --recv-key  7638D0442B90D010      
        - gpg -a --export 7638D0442B90D010 | sudo apt-key add -
        - sudo apt-get update     
        - sudo apt-get install -t jessie-backports nginx
        - sudo apt-get install -t jessie-backports openssl 
        - sudo apt update                             
        - sudo apt upgrade
        - sudo apt install nginx
        - systemctl status nginx 
  • Install motionEye in the dedicated Alarm server:

  • Install Domoticz in the main server:

    • Hardware:
        - "Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only)"
        - "MQTT Client Gateway with LAN interface" with Remote address=localhost, port=1883 and Publish Topic=out
    • Cameras: add all cameras
    • Devices (Except Security Panel, all are Dummy Virtual sensors):
        - "Security Panel"
        - One protected "Light/Switch, Switch, Motion Sensor" for Alarm status and one protected "Light/Switch, Switch, On/Off" for Home Intrusion Alert. Define On/Off actions and Notifications to send email/sms (arm/disarm confirmation messages and intrusion alert message). To send SMS, I use Web REST API of the french FREE Telco operator 
        - One "Light/Switch, Switch, Media Player" for each (PTZ or non PTZ) camera and one additional "Light/Switch, Selector Switch, Selector" for each PTZ camera. For each "Light/Switch, Switch, Media Player" camera, define On/Off actions to activate/disactivate motionEye motion detection for this camera. For each "Light/Switch, Selector Switch, Selector", define the level names and actions according to the PTZ Camera setpoint commands
        - One "Temp+Hum" and one "Temperature" for each Temperature sensor and one "Temp+Hum" for Degrees.Day
        - One "Light/Switch, Switch, On/Off" for Electricity tariff
        - One "P1 Smart Meter, Energy" for each heater and one for overall heating index meter 
        - One "Light/Switch, Selector Switch, Selector" for Heating main breaker. Define the levels OFF/HORSGEL/ECO/CONFORT 
        - Two "Light/Switch, Selector Switch, Selector" for Heating Schedule/Start and Heating Schedule/Stop. Define the levels according to the heating zone names
        - One "General, Text" to display the heating zones status
        - One "Thermostat, SetPoint"
        - Two "General, Custom Sensor" for Thermal loss (°C/Degrees.Day unit) and Cooling rate (Wh/Degrees.Day unit)
        - One "Light/Switch, Switch, On/Off" for each lighting zone
        - Three protected "Light/Switch, Switch, Smoke Detector" for Failure status regarding Temperature sensors, Lighting server and Alarm server. Define On action and Notifications to send email/sms if failure 
    • User variables:
        - Idx=1, "String" and name "HeatersActive" for Heaters status. Initial value: {"command" : "activateheaters", "28" : "On", "29" : "On", .... , "34" : "On"} where 28, 29 .... 34 are Heater IDX number
        - "Integer" and name "TWILIGHTimer0" for Lighting timer. Initial value: 0  
        - "Integer" and name "MezzaOverHeated" for one of the heating cost optimizer rules. Initial value: 0 
    • Blockly: enter the blocklys according to the GIF images given
    • Scripts:
        - Copy to the installation directory the nodejs and shell scripts. By default, this installation directory is "/volume1/@appstore/iot_domoticz" (Synology) and "/home/pi/iot_domoticz" (Raspberry)
        - Update the WiFi_DZ_MQTT_SecretKeys.js file according to the environment
        - Update myHeaters repository at line 133 of iot_Orchestrator.js file according to heating zones and heaters per heating zone used. Update also eventually lines 215 and 226 regarding Heating Schedule/Start and Heating Schedule/Stop actual names choosen
        - Update lines, with the [$$DOMOTICZ_PARAMETER] tag, of iot_ESP8266.js file according to the environment
        - Update Heaters repository and various parameters from line 74 to line 133 of iot_ACS712.js file 
        - Update also House thermal characteristics from line 40 to line 44 of iot_ACS712.js file  
        - Add tasks to Synology DSM task scheduler or Edit Crontab (Raspberry) to run all the shell scripts at boot
    • Security setup: Local Networks (no username/password) set to accept connections without authentication from the Backup server and from "localhost;127.0.0.*"
  • Backup the Domoticz database in the main server

  • Install Domoticz in the backup server:

    - Devices: import the main Domoticz database to setup again the devices
    - Blockly: importing at previous step the main Domoticz database also import the blocklys. Delete the HeatingOptimizer one
    - Scripts: copy again all the (modified) scripts and edit again Crontab
  • Install the Cluster feature :

    - Copy the cluster scripts (nodejs and shell) to the backup server
    - Update myIDXtoSync repository at line 118 of mqtt_Cluster.js file according to the devices to synchronize 
    - Edit Crontab to run the shell script at boot
    - Create a DUMMY reverse proxy rule in DSM (use unreachable IP address/Port in your environment). Note the directory name created by DSM to store the ssl certificate. Update the main nginx configuration file with this ssl directory name 
    - Update again main server nginx config file and also backup server nginx config file to enter the correct path to Domoticz and motionEye
    - Copy the nginx configuration files to main and backup server
    - Test that your config files are ok with sudo nginx -t
    - Ask nginx to use your config files with sudo nginx -s reload
  • Install the Alarm scripts (nodejs and shell) in the dedicated Alarm server

  • Setup all the ESP8266:

    - Using Arduino IDE (Files/Preferences/Additional Board Manager set to 
        - Update WiFi_OTA_MQTT_SecretKeys.h according to the environment
        - Update PubSubClient.h file in the corresponding Arduino library directory
        - Update heaters repository from lines 130 to 166 of iot_ESP8266_AC712.ino file
        - Update lighting repository and various parameters from lines 36 to 74 of iot_ESP8266_GM43.ino file
        - Update temperature sensors repository and various parameters from lines 57 to 62 of iot_ESP8266_DHT22.ino file
        - Compile the sketches and flash the ESP8266  
    - Deploy all the ESP8266 connecting them to the home devices (heaters, hot water tank, lighting relays)
  • Time to use Domoticz...Enter in the main and backup Domoticz instances the heating zone schedules. To start or stop a heating zone at a given hour, you have to enter in Timers of Heating Schedule/Start or Heating Schedule/Stop devices the command ON on Time for the level corresponding to the heating zone. In the backup server, I've entered schedules to send every hour a start to all heating zones.

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