Our Project is for Build Guild Properties, which is a Construction Company. The client requires a website to keep a log and maintain property sales data. Our project is a web application that will provide the property sales company an easier access to the records and convenient way of generating reports of their property sales. It will allow them to add the property, payment and buyer record, track that record and maintain it. Moreover, it will generate reports regarding different values of sales records. It will provide ease of access to the users through dashboards.
- Clone the respository.
- cd Prototype_webapp.
- Run command pip3 install -r requirements.txt.
- Add environment variables
- FlaskPrototypeDevDB=<YOUR_MYSQL_DB>
- FlaskPrototypeSecretKey=<SECRET_KEY>
Screenshot 1: Home Screen
Screenshot 2: Explore Screen to choose an operation
Screenshot 3: Dashboard to display system records