1- Import system tags
to import system tags you need to run the importTags.sh
inside the mongo container
$ docker exec -it mongo bash
$ bash importTags.sh
1- Create a migration
$ npm run typeorm:create-migration --name=MigrationName
The MigrationName is the name of the migration
2- Add migration to system
- Import the created migration in 'migrations/tpeOrm.config.ts' then add it to migrations: []
- Import the entities you want to apply migration to in 'migrations/tpeOrm.config.ts' and add them to entities: []
3- Implement migration
Running the migration command creates a file with the code that can bring our database from one state to another and back. Its filename consists of the current timestamp followed by the name provided when using the migration:create command. Here is an example:
public async up(queryRunner: MongoQueryRunner): Promise<any> {
const count = await queryRunner.cursor('my-collection', {}).count(false);
4- Run migration
$ npm run typeorm:run-migrations
This command will run all the migrations specified in migrations: []
5- Revert Migration
$ npm run typeorm:revert-migration
This command will revert the last executed migration