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Getting Started

Mert Kara edited this page Mar 29, 2018 · 9 revisions

Short version

We assume you have already installed node.js. If you haven't see the instructions here

  1. Install Yeoman and generator-appdirect-connector using npm ().
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-appdirect-connector
  1. Generate your new project:
yo appdirect-connector:java

Long version

  1. Include a dependency on the latest version of the sdk in your pom.xml
  1. Import ConnectorSdkConfiguration class in your application context; Use the import annotation @Import(ConnectorSdkConfiguration.class). i.e.
public class MinimalConnector {
    // your code...
  1. Include a DeveloperSpecificAppmarketCredentialsSupplier bean in your application context that returns valid appmarket credentials given a consumer key.

  2. Include a AppmarketEventHandler<T> bean in your application context for every type of mandatory market events.

  • Not providing handler for a mandatory event types will lead to an application context failure.
  • The events you need to expose AppmarketEventHandlers for are
  1. Optional events can be handled if need be.
  • Add AppmarketEventHandler<T> beans for every desired events and annotate it with @Primary.
public AppmarketEventHandler<SubscriptionOrder> mySubscriptionOrderHandler() {
	return event -> ApiResult.success("My handler for a SUBSCRIPTION_ORDER event");
  1. If an slf4j implementation is used for logging, the content of the x-request-id HTTP header (if any) is available in the logging context under the key requestId. Example: if logback is used, the pattern might look like the following:
%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level %logger{24} - requestId: %X{requestId} - %msg%n
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