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Vanilla icon picker

GitHub package.json version npm GitHub pages-build-deployment

Icons includes:

  • FontAwesome 6 (Brands, Solid and Regular)
  • Material Design Icons
  • Iconoir


➡️ Using a package manager

npm i vanilla-icon-picker
// One of the following themes
import 'vanilla-icon-picker/dist/themes/default.min.css'; // 'default' theme
import 'vanilla-icon-picker/dist/themes/bootstrap-5.min.css'; // 'bootstrap-5' theme

import IconPicker from 'vanilla-icon-picker';

⚠️ Attention: If you use bootstrap theme don't forget to include bootstrap 5 css.

➡️ Using script

<script src=""></script>

and stylesheet

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


const iconPicker = new IconPicker('input', {
    // Options

Live demo →


💙 You can find icons sets at Iconify

    // Change icon picker's theme
    theme: 'default' | 'bootstrap-5',

    // Set icon(s) library(ies)
    // iconSource: [
    //     'FontAwesome Brands 6', 
    //     'FontAwesome Solid 6', 
    //     'FontAwesome Regular 6', 
    //     'Material Design Icons', 
    //     'Iconoir', 
    //     {
    //         key: 'academicons',
    //         prefix: 'ai ai-',
    //         url: ''
    //     }
    // ]
    iconSource: [],

    // Close icon picker modal when icon is selected
    // If is `false` save button appear
    closeOnSelect: true,
    // Set a default value, preselect for example
    // icon's value and icon's name work
    defaultValue: null,
    // Translatable text
    i18n: {
        'input:placeholder': 'Search icon…',
        'text:title': 'Select icon',
        'text:empty': 'No results found…',
        'btn:save': 'Save'


Use the on(event, callback) and off(event, callback) functions to bind / unbind eventlistener.

Event Description Arguments
select Icon is selected, return icon value, name, svg and unicode if exist Object
save Fired when saved with button or if closeOnSelect option is true, return return icon value, name, svg and unicode if exist Object
clear clear() method is called void
show Modal is shown IconPickerInstance
hide Modal picker is hidden IconPickerInstance
iconPicker.on('select', instance => {
    console.log('Select:', instance);


After we initialize IconPicker, we have access instance. Let's look list all available methods:

Method Description
on() Add event handler
off() Remove event handler
open() Open IconPicker's modal
hide() Remove IconPicker's modal
clear() Clear current icon
isOpen() Check if open or not
destroy(deleteInstance) Set it to false (by default it is true) to not to delete IconPicker instance

Icon format setting in JSON files

While this picker uses icon sets found at Iconify, it supports an extension to their format to allow improved performance with large icon sets.

By default, those icon sets include the actual SVG directly, and the picker includes the SVG markup inline. In cases where the actual SVGs are not needed (e.g. if you're using Font Awesome and the required CSS / JavaScript is included on the page), adding a new, optional iconFormat setting to the JSON file will allow you to remove the SVGs and reduce file sizes by over 90%, making the loading of the picker much faster.

iconFormat is optional and can be set to three different values:

  • svg (the default) - body must include the full SVG.

  • i - body is not needed at all. The picker will use markup like <i class='far fa-abacus'></i>.

Example JSON (snipped, iconFormat can be set to "i", body can be empty or missing entirely)

  "prefix": "far fa-",
  "iconFormat": "i",
  "info": {
    "name": "Font Awesome Regular"
  "lastModified": 1689174287,
  "icons": {
    "abacus": {
      "body": "",
      "width": 576
    "acorn": {
      "width": 448
  • markup - The picker uses the actual markup set in the body. This allows the use of different, custom markup for icons, e.g. <span class='far fa-abacus'></span>.

Example JSON (snipped, iconFormat must be set to "markup", body must be set)

  "prefix": "far fa-",
  "iconFormat": "markup",
  "info": {
    "name": "Font Awesome Regular"
  "lastModified": 1689174287,
  "icons": {
    "abacus": {
      "body": "<span class='far fa-abacus'></span>",
      "width": 576

To take advantage of this, you could download the JSON file and use search-and-replace to remove the body values from the file. Then, you would need to set iconSource per the Options section above to use your new JSON file.


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