This collection provides a list of educational resources for Software Engineers. Feel free to add your favorite resources as well and help others in their journey of learning.
- HackerRank- Solve code challenges to prepare for programming interviews.
- HackerEarth- Solve code challenges to help companies find innovative solutions for their businesses.
- CodeChef- Non-profit competitive programming platform.
- Topcoder- Participate in code challenges and help solve real-world problems.
- Codeforces- Russian website dedicated to competitive programming.
- Project Euler- Solve computational and mathematical problems using your programming skills.
- Spoj- Programming contests with online judging system.
- Interview Bit- A platform to learn and practice coding interview questions.
- VisuAlgo- Visualizing data structures and algorithms through animation.
- Leetcode- Develop programming skills for your next interview.
- FireCode- An online coding interview preparation.
- CodeWars- Code challenges platform to level up your skills.
- CodeinGame- Learn to code by playing games.
- DailyProgrammer- Solutions to programming challenges, peer-reviewed with community feedback.
- CodeSignal- Practice programming and land a job.
- Uva- Programming contests with online judging system.
- StanFord ACM ICPC- Stanford Notebook provides printable templates usable during online/on-site contests.
- Exercism- Solve programming challenges from your terminal.
- DailyCodingProblem- Get exceptionally good at coding interviews by solving one problem every day.
- Russian programming contests
- Timus Online Judge- Programming contests with online judging system.
- DMOJ: Modern Online Judge- Contest platform and archive of programming problems.
- Rose Code- Programming challenges with leaderboards and blog posts.
- Coderbyte- Programming challenges and specific routes to help learn specific skills.
- Code Golf- Programming challenges with individual leaderboards for problems.
- Daily Coding Problem- Get emailed a new coding problem every day.
- Halite- Create AI to face off against other people’s AI. More specialized in AI.
- Advent of Code- A yearly set of coding challenges that published with leaderboards
- Geeks for geeks- A computer science portal for geeks
- A2 Online Judge- A curated list of problems sequenced in ladder to practice and master competitive coding.
- Learn Enough to Be Dangerous- Free online coding tutorials on JavaScript, Ruby, Rails, CSS and more.
- FreeCodeCamp- Coding tutorials and challenges.
- Thimble- Free online code editor, web server, web browser & developer tools.
- NodeSchool-Open source workshops that teach web software skills.
- The Odin Project-A full free open source coding curriculum.
- Egghead- Video tutorials on popular JavaScript frameworks.
- Codeacademy- Free and premium interactive tutorials for various languages.
- MDN web docs-Web development articles by Mozilla.
- W3Schools-Tutorials on HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more.
- Eloguent Javascript- An online book about JavaScript.
- Coder-Coder- Tutorials on Web Development from basics including HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more.
- CodeCraft- Provide Web Development Courses on JavaScript, AngularJS, Angular 5 for free.
- Scrimba- Provides Web Development Courses with a unique feature of live interaction with the instructor’s code.
- FrontendMasters- In-depth and advanced video tutorials on Frontend Devlopment from experts in the industry.
- Education Ecosystem- Watch professional developers build end-to-end Projects.
- Scotch- Provides a series of tutorials and articles on different web technologies.
- Css-tricks- Daily articles about CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and all things related to web design and development.
- Laracasts- Best Place to learn PHP & Laravel Development.Also contains Vue tutorial and many more.
- Design-Resources- Curated list of design resources from stock photos, Web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more
- FrontendMentor- Improve your front-end skills by building real projects.Solve real-world HTML, CSS and JavaScript challenges whilst working to professional designs.
- JavascriptInfo-The Modern JavaScript Tutorial from the basics to advanced topics with simple, but detailed explanations.
- Bezkoder- Provides a series of tutorials and articles on different web technologies.
- Udacity Android Nanodegree - Students can also apply for scholarship given by Google.
- Android Developer Training- Range of courses to help you build Android apps.
- Vogella- Tutorials about Android development.
- Android Hive-Android tutorials blog.
- iOS development -Build your first iOS app with an Udacity course.
- -Coursera is one of the good resources to do python courses from. You need to register for anything.
- -Cybrary has a python class. It's good to learn the basics of the language and how to use it in the cyber security field.
- SoloLearn -This is a website where you can learn many languages like C++, Javascript, HTML, and several others. The best thing is that is has an app also where you can play with your code in your phone without worrying about IDEs, complieres etc.!
- MIT OCW -You can go to MIT open courseware and this is a website where you don't need to register for anything. It's an open source course all the lectures are given by MIT lecturers. For complete beginners, it is recommended that you take Introduction to computer science and programming.
- -This is a good learning website, but you just need to register and search for the Python course or any other language that you want to learn. They provide certificates.
- CodeCademy -Codecademy is also one of the better websites where you can learn basics of python in a practical way.
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python -This is one of the websites where you can learn python that is for complete beginners.
- RealPython -Website where you can learn python that for beginners.
- learnpython -Website Which is generously supported by DataCamp where you can learn python.
- -Website that contain various resources for learning python.
- pcottle-repository - This is a git repository visualizer, sandbox, and a series of educational tutorials and challenges.
- Course -Version Control Git course on Coursera offered
- [GitHub] ( -GitHub labs
- [GraphQLExplorer] ( -Github GraphQL Explorer
- APIS and documentation -For Github REST APIs, the best resource is the documentation
- ziishaned-repository - This is a resource for learning Regular Expressions in many languages.
- Regex tutorials - Provides both theory and exercises to learn Regular Expressions.
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