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sheet module

aed-modeller edited this page Jul 5, 2023 · 19 revisions

The sheet map plotting module can be configured to plot sheet maps or movies of selected water quality variables within define model domain. The module also has options to include m_map tool package for large domain and add current vectors on the map.

Summary of sheet map module configuration

Field name Description Options Comments
start_plot_ID select which variable to start plotting refer to the setting in master.varname
end_plot_ID select which variable to finish plotting refer to the setting in master.varname
plotdepth choose from surface or bottom layer surface or bottom
Style choose from ‘m_map’ or ‘none’ ‘m_map’ or ‘none’
plottype choose from ‘figure’ or ‘movie’ ‘figure’ or ‘movie’
meshtype choose from ‘patch’ or ‘meshgrid’ ‘patch’: use original TFV mesh;
‘meshgrid’: interpolate TFV outputs into mesh grid;
add_quiver Option to include current vectors 1: include; 0: not include
add_coastline Option to include coastal line onto map 1: include; 0: not include
coastline_file File path of the coastline data Work only when add_coastline = 1; and the data is saved in a .mat format;
xlim Define the x axis limit
ylim Define the y axis limit
FileFormat define movie format choose mp4 or avi
Quality define movie quality 100 by default
FrameRate define movie frame rate 6 by default
resolution define movie/figure resolution [1024,768] by default
colormap define color map type check matlab help for colormap options
save_image option to save frames to images 1: save; 0: not save;
datearray define time period for move
dateformat define date format in movie
plot_interval define interval to plot refer to model output intervals
outputdirectory define directory to save plots
htmloutput define directory to save HTML files
clip_depth define minimum depth to remove NaN values 0.05 by default
istitled option to add title 1: add; 0: not add 1 by default
isColorbar option to add colorbar 1: add; 0: not add 1 by default
isylabel option to add y label 1: add; 0: not add 1 by default
islegend option to add legend 1: add; 0: not add 1 by default
isYlim option to define Y axis limits 1: add; 0: not add 0 by default
isGridon option to add grid on 1: add; 0: not add 1 by default
dimensions define figure dimensions in centimeters [20 10] by default
cAxis.value define color caxis limits empty [] by default, matlab will automatically adjust the y limit

Configuration Example

sheet.start_plot_ID = 1;
sheet.end_plot_ID = 1; = 'm_map'; % choose 'm_map'(default) or 'none' to use 'm_map14' library
sheet.add_ruler = 1;   % 1/0: add/no ruler (default), work only for m_map option
sheet.plotdepth = {'bottom'};  %  {'surface','bottom'} Cell-array with either one
sheet.meshstype = 'meshgrid'; % choose 'patch' or 'meshgrid'
sheet.add_quiver = 1;  % 1/0: add/no current vector, work only for 'meshgrid' option
sheet.add_coastline = 1;  % 1/0: add/no coast line
sheet.coastline_file = './GIS/Boundary.shp';  % 1/0: add/no coast line

sheet.plottype = 'movie'; % choose 'movie' or 'figure';
sheet.xlim=[115.6666  115.7786]; %[115.6089  115.7786];  %
sheet.ylim=[-32.3000  -32.1333]; %[-32.3206  -31.9921];  %

if strcmpi(sheet.plottype,'movie')
    sheet.FileFormat='mp4'; % choose 'mp4' or 'avi'
    sheet.Quality   =100;   % movie quality
    sheet.FrameRate =6;     % frame rate
    sheet.resolution = [1024,768]; % frame rosolution
    sheet.colormap = 'jet'; % colormap options, see Matlab manual
    sheet.save_images = 1;  % option to save slide images
    sheet.datearray = [datenum(2021,07,01) datenum(2021,07,21)];
    sheet.dateformat = 'mm/yyyy';
    sheet.plot_interval = 6;
elseif strcmpi(sheet.plottype,'figure')
    sheet.datearray = [datenum(2021,07,01) datenum(2021,07,21)];
    sheet.resolution = [1024,768]; % frame rosolution
    sheet.colormap = 'jet'; % colormap options, see Matlab manual
    msg=['Error: type of ',sheet.plottype,' is not recognized'];

sheet.outputdirectory = 'plotting/sheet/';

sheet.clip_depth = 0.05; % remove the shallow NaN cells
sheet.cAxis(1).value = [28 35];

sheet.dimc = [0.9 0.9 0.9]; % dimmest (lightest) color
sheet.istitled = 1;
sheet.isColorbar = 1;
sheet.dimensions = [20 10]; % Width & Height in cm

Example outputs

Example sheet map output for bottom oxygen at Western Australia coastal area.


Example sheet animation output for bottom oxygen at Western Australia coastal area.