A Node.js module to handle ListHub feed downloads
Via npm:
$ npm install listhub
- Minor bugfixes
Below is the simple usage of this module. Just require the object, initialise and use it.
var lh = require('listhub')({channelId: 'channelId', username: 'username', password: 'pass'});
Below you can find more detailed usage tips and examples.
+ gzFeedFile The path of downloaded `gzip` file
+ xmlFeedFile The path of extracted `xml` file
+ channelFilesDir The directory path where all channel files are kept
+ constructor(options)
+ checkAndGetNewFile(cb) You can manually run the feed update script with this function
+ getXml() Returns the parsed xml as libxml Document object
+ getXmlString() Returns the string of parsed xml
+ getSingleListingJson(listingXmlElement, cb) Returns json object representing single Listing
+ clearFeedFiles(cb) Remove all files related to the channel (gzip, xml)
+ addStatusReportForListing(listingKey, status, url, message, timestamp, cb) Add status report for a listing
+ generateReportFile(cb) Generate final report file for previously added statuses
To get started with ListHub, the class object should be created with initial options. Here is an example:
var listHub = require('listhub')({channelId: 'channelId', username: 'username', password: 'pass'});
The constructor takes 1 argument (options). It is an object with some configuration parameters. The possible contents of the object are:
channelId <string> Your ListHub channel
username <string> The username for your ListHub account
password <string> The password for your ListHub account
filename <string> An optional filename to apply to saved files. If not provided, the channelId will be used
runAt <string|array> An array containing cron-formatted strings to use for running cron jobs.
setCron <boolean> A boolean indicating if the constructor should set up cron jobs to get ListHub files
runCronAtOnce <boolean> Indicates if the feed should be downloaded also immediately after setup
onCronComplete <function> Function to run at cron job completion
tmpDirectory <string> Path to temp directory where feed files will be kept
reportFile <string | boolean> Path to reports file to save for ListHub. If not specified will be equal to '{tmpDirectory}/{channelId}/report.xml'
If no runAt
is provided, the module will download and store the feed file every day at 00:00:00
If you want to specify your own schedule you can provide your time in cron format.
var listHub = require('listhub')({runAt: '00 00 07 * * *', ...});
If you want to run the script lets say several times a day, you provide an array:
var listHub = require('listhub')({runAt: ['00 00 00 * * *', '00 00 06 * * *', '00 00 12 * * *'], ...});
When the listHub is set up, you can call some methods on it like:
var xmlDoc = lh.getXml();
lh.getSingleListingJson(xmlDoc.child(1), function(err, json) {
//handle error here