.NET Standard (Core) port of Twilio Rest Client library
Nuget: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Twilio.NetCore/2.0.0
PM: Install-Package Twilio.NetCore -Version 2.0.0
Nuget: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Twilio.NetCore/1.0.0
PM: Install-Package Twilio.NetCore -Version 1.0.0
This is an unofficial port of the twilio-csharp library for .Net Standard (Core). The original library is well organized and its sole dependency is on RestSharp.
I offer this package in accordance with Twilio's original license agreement and under the exact same terms. I have not tested the ported library and offer no warranty with regard to its functionality or any consequences from the use of it whatsoever. This library is offered as a stop-gap solution until the awesome Twilio team releases a .Net Standard compatible library.
Be a hero and port the original Twilio unit tests!