Allows an Arduino to change the reported speed of a fan by reading the signal from the tachometer wire and creating a new modified output signal. Optionally supports using a potentiometer to set the modification factor between fan speed and output speed.
This is useful to trick servers/routers/switches/etc. into being happy running with slower fans when it expects a much higher RPM to not complain.
The following boards have a preconfigured configuration:
- Digispark Pro (One fan)
- Arduino Uno/Nano (One fan)
- Teensy 2.0 (Two fans)
- Arduino Mega (Four fans)
And easy custom configuration to allow any other board with one 16-bit timer and free hardware interrupt pin per fan configured to be used.
Uses Timer1/3/4/5 for each fan respectively as these are usually the 16-bit timers if the board has them.
- IN_PIN_x
- A hardware interrupt pin. Connected to the fan to read its actual RPM.
- Any free non-restricted pin. Connected to the end device to output the modified signal to.
- POT_PIN_x (Optional)
- An analog input pin. To use a potentiometer to set the modification factor between fan speed and output speed.
- Can also define the same pin to control multiple fans from the same potentiometer.
- In (Noctua NF S12A):
- Fan speed 300-1200 RPM
- 600-2400 half_revolutions/min
- 10-40 Hz
- Input interval received: 100-25 ms
- Out (Emulating: Nidec V12E12BS1B570):
- Fan speed 1600?-6400 RPM
- 3200-12800 half_revolutions/min
- 53.33-213.33 Hz
- 18.75-4.69 ms
- Output interval resolution count sent: 4687-1172 counts
- Factor of 5.333, in this case calculated from the max fan speeds.