AutoHubConnection is a simple wrapper to the .net core signalr client implementation. It automates the logic necessary to reconnecting after a unexpected disconnect.
Install globally via npm:
npm install -g @archetypical/auto-hub-connection
Or globally via yarn:
yarn global add @archetypical/auto-hub-connection
Once you have established your server side hub, you can connect to it with a new AutoHubConnection. It includes all the same methods provided by the signalr client with the same expected functionality.
In addition to the existing functionality, AutoHubConnection provides simple instantiation of a new connection and the logic to automatically reconnect when there is a network disconnect.
When creating a new AutoHubConnection, you must provide a host.
const autoHubConnection = new AutoHubConnection('/MyHubPath');
Optionally you can provide configuration settings used to change the reconnect behavior.
const autoHubConnection = new AutoHubConnection('/MyHubPath', {
logLevel: LogLevel.Error,
retryInterval: 3000,
maxConnectionAttempts: 5
logLevel: The log level the underlying signalr client will log at. Default value is LogLevel.Error
retryInterval: Defines the wait interval between connection attempts in milliseconds. Default value is 5000
maxConnectionAttempts: Max number of attempts to initiate a connection. Default value is 5
const autoHubConnection = new AutoHubConnection('/MyHubUrl');
autoHubConnection.on('EventName', x => console.log(x));
For more detail on how to utilize the signalr client, please reference the official documentation.