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Releases: Archive-Puma/Elliot
Releases · Archive-Puma/Elliot
🚧 GUI in development
v1.1.0 💰 FUNDING!
👤 First Elliot release
If you do not know Elliot
, you are not aware of the number of possibilities that you are wasting when it comes to perform your pentestings.
A new all-in-one hacking framework is going to be unleashed... or is it just a product of your imagination?
│ │
│>portscanner ││ PORT STATE SERVICE │
│ robots.txt ││ 80/tcp open http │
│ subdomain ││ 443/tcp open https │
Ɇlliot: Done.
Shortcuts: [^C] Exit [TAB] Next Frame [Enter] Run
Elliot not only has a constantly growing variety of plugins that will help you to perform basic pentesting tests, but it is also a tool with a very good performance, due to its purely Golang-based implementation.
Currently the available plugins are:
portscanner := scans for open ports
robots.txt := returns the robots.txt of a web page
subdomain := collects from different sources all subdomains associated with a domain