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Admob for iOS, Android, Amazon

yaroslav edited this page Apr 16, 2016 · 2 revisions


To start using this plugin please watch tutorial.


Or follow these steps:

1 Drag Admob prefab from Area730/Admob/Prefabs into your scene. You need to add this prefab to your game only once as AdmobManager is a singleton.

2 Set Admob unit ids and you are almost done

3 To show banner call AdmobManager.Instance.RequestBanner(AdPosition position) where position is enum and can be:


You can also specify the size of the banner as second parameter. The default size is 320x50. To show interstitial you have first to load it by calling AdmobManager.Instance.RequestInterstitial(). After the interstitial is loaded, the OnInterstitialLoaded() callbacks will be invoked. Admob prefab comes with default attached callback functions (see Area730/Admob/Scripts/AdmobController.cs). You can also add your own if you want.

After the interstitial is loaded, you can show the ad by calling c# AdmobManager.Instance.ShowInterstitial().

#Building projects After configuring your mediation you need to build your game to mobile devices. Sometimes it might cause some errors this section helps you to solve it

##IOS common errors

  1. When you use old version of Unity(4.6 and lower) the included GoogleMobileAds.framework in folder Assets/Plugins/IOS will not automatically linking to your project. To solve this problem copy GoogleMobileAds.framework to the root of your exported project. GoogleMobileAds must be included to libraries

  2. After that you need to config your build settings

2.1 Disable bit code Disable bitcode 2.2 Enable Modules (C and Objective-C) Enable modules

  1. If you use xCode 7.2 or higher you could get the following error because of incompatibility new xCode and Unity generated files. NORETURN to solve this problem just delete circled NORETURN statment.

##Android common errors

  1. When you trying to build your apk unity might throw build error. It might be caused of old Android API Level. The latest version of Admob library requires API Level 23. To download this packages go to you Android SDK(the path for it find here)Android SDK path

Then install packages from SDK manager. SDK view

If you have another errors please contact us

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