- This is a project on making a desktop app using C++
- Why using C++:
Follow instructions in this video at 10:10
Install WxWidgets from here
Create new systems environment WXWIN and set the path to the downloaded folder
In Visual Studio:
- Right click on Project -> Properties:
- Set Configuration to All "Configurations"
- In Configuration Properties:
- In C/C++ -> Precompiled Headers -> Set Precompiled Header to "Not using Precompiled Headers"
- In C/C++ -> General -> Set Additional Include Directories to "$(WXWIN)\include; $(WXWIN)\include\msvc;"
- In Linker -> Genral -> Set Additonal Library Dictionaries to "$(WXWIN)\lib\vc_lib"
When building solution, I encountered this error "_w64 can only be specified on int, long and pointer types". This is how I solve them:
- Go to View -> Other Windows -> Property Manager: A window will display
- Right click on your project name in Property Manager Window -> Click Add Existing Property Sheet
- Select path/to/wxwidgets.props from the wxwidgets folder that just be downloaded
- Right click on Project -> Properties:
Implement image gradient-based eye center algorithm by Fabian Timm. Download the paper at here
Use the build-in function SetCursorPos(int x, int y) to move the cursor to the desired positions Learn more about SetCursorPos function in this link
Follow the instruction in this link Since Microsoft Speech SDK is already included in Visual Studio code, we just need to create a new window console application and create a precompile header file to use the SDK
Get English language word database from here.
- data/word.txt: contains all English words
- data/words_alpha.txt: contains words that have no numbers and symbols
- data/words_dictionary: dictionary of words from words_alpha.text in form ["word": 1]
Timm and Barth. Accurate eye centre localisation by means of gradients. In Proceedings of the Int. Conference on Computer Theory and Applications (VISAPP), volume 1, pages 125-130, Algarve, Portugal, 2011. INSTICC