This is primarily an exploration of some of the various FFXIV APIs available and applied to the area of economic crafting and gathering.
First of all I have to give thanks to the various projects being made use of here.
- Universalis
- XIV-Datamining
The idea is to make use of all three of these projects to bring together a useful tool for crafters to figure out what to make in the most economical way possible.
If you use this PLEASE consider donating to these free API projects. They are providing a great service to tools like this one.
The initial vision of this project was to have it be a back end for a web page. However because of the time latency involved in the various API calls it very quickly became a command line tool. But the web vision lives as a Proof Of Concept. You can load it yourself from the html directory or see it functioning at Be kind! I do not have increased request to any of the APIs at this time so if several people are attempting requests at the same time then thing will get very slow.
To setup you will need to acquire API keys from FFXIV Market and XIVAPI. Both are easily done from the respective web sites. Then fill in those values in the respective areas in this file.
If you look at the Garland Database then click on the gear on the item and look at the item #.
You need a .env
file to show the environment. .env.sample
is an example.
If you are running in docker, which is the fastest startup path, you can start the docker backend using docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
There are 2 main tools, without much in the way of usage statements. These can mostly be seen as templates to build your own tools but they also should serve as being usable for the average non-programmers also, so a quick explanation here.
ffxiv_craft.php <item>
- <item> can be either the database ID for the item or the full item name in quotes. For example
- ./ffxiv_craft.php 23815
- ./ffxiv_craft.php "rakshasa dogi of healing"
ffxiv_craft.php -m <Master Book>
- <Master Book> is either the name of the Recipe book that will have all the recipe iterated from. For example
- ./ffxiv_craft.php -m "Master Weaver II"
- Enumerate every gathering item and determine profitability.
ffxiv_gather.php -l <limit>
- Limit the list to <limit> items
ffxiv_gather.php <item>
- Only fetch and print information about the given item ID or item name. Examples:
- ./ffxiv_gather.php 13753
- ./ffxiv_gather.php "cloud cotton boll"