- Clone repository
- Install required dependencies
npm install
Create a Supabase account
Create a project in your Supabase Dashboard
Create an env file and get the values for the below environment variables in your project settings
Login into supabase in your project directory terminal with
npx supabase login
npx supabase db push
to create the required tables for the database.
Create a stripe account or login if you have one already
In your test account settings, get the values for the below environment variables below
Add the stripe environment variables to your supabase project with the below commands
npx supabase secrets set STRIPE_SECRET_KEY=<your-secret-key> npx supabase secrets set EXPO_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY=<your-publishable-key>
And run
npx supabase secrets list
to confirm if it's been added.
Finally, run npm start
to run the application.