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refactor: make use of a global closure per suite in std.Testing
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SuperFola committed Sep 25, 2024
1 parent 13cc093 commit 7b9a5b4
Showing 1 changed file with 124 additions and 116 deletions.
240 changes: 124 additions & 116 deletions Testing.ark
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,52 +1,60 @@
# internal, do not use
(let _runner (fun (_name _callable) {
(mut _passed 0)
(mut _failed 0)
(mut _failures [])
(let _case_desc "")
(mut _cases [])
(mut _case_pointer 0)
(mut display_cases_success false)

(let _start_time (time))

# run test
(let _end_time (time))
(let _make_suite (fun (name) {
(mut passed 0)
(mut failed 0)
(mut failures [])
(mut cases [])
(mut case_pointer 0)
(mut case_desc "")
(mut display_cases_success false)

(let toggle_display_cases_success (fun (bool) (set display_cases_success bool)))
(let inc_passed (fun () (set passed (+ 1 passed))))
(let inc_failed (fun () (set failed (+ 1 failed))))
(let register_failure (fun (description) (append! failures description)))
(let add_case (fun (name) {
# keep track of the current case we're in
(set case_desc name)
(append! cases name)}))
(let pop_case (fun () {
(set case_desc "")
(pop! cases -1)}))
(let update_case_ptr (fun (val) (set case_pointer val)))
(let need_case? (fun () (and (not (empty? case_desc)) (!= case_pointer (len cases)))))

(fun (
&name &passed &failed &failures &cases &case_pointer &case_desc &display_cases_success
&toggle_display_cases_success &inc_passed &inc_failed &register_failure
&add_case &pop_case &update_case_ptr &need_case?

# no newline, yet
(puts _name)

(if (> _passed 0) (puts (str:format " - {} ✅" _passed)))

(if (> _failed 0) (puts (str:format ", {} ❌" _failed)))
# internal, do not use
(mut _suite nil)

(puts (str:format " in {:2.3f}ms\n" (* 1000 (- _end_time _start_time))))
# internal, do not use
(let _runner (fun (_name _callable) {
(let _start_time (time))
# run test
(let _end_time (time))

(mut _i 0)
(let _failures_count (len _failures))
# no newline, yet
(puts _name)
(if (> _suite.passed 0)
(puts (str:format " - {} ✅" _suite.passed)))
(if (> _suite.failed 0)
(puts (str:format ", {} ❌" _suite.failed)))

(while (< _i _failures_count) {
(print " " (@ _failures _i))
(set _i (+ 1 _i)) })
[_passed _failed] }))
(puts (str:format " in {:2.3f}ms\n" (* 1000 (- _end_time _start_time))))

(let _test_desc (fun (_desc)
(if (empty? _desc)
(str:format " for test '{}'" (head _desc)))))
(mut _i 0)
(let _failures_count (len _suite.failures))
(while (< _i _failures_count) {
(print " " (@ _suite.failures _i))
(set _i (+ 1 _i))})

# internal, do not use
# Has a _case_desc which also exists (empty) inside _runner so that tests without a
# case won't crash the testing library when trying to access the case name.
# Add the test name to a pile so that we can nicely print all the case names later.
# Update the pointer to current case to its old value later on
(let _case (fun (_case_desc _callable) {
(let _old_pointer _case_pointer)
(append! _cases _case_desc)
(pop! _cases -1)
(set _case_pointer _old_pointer) }))
[_suite.passed _suite.failed]}))

# @brief Create a test case with a label to help with debugging when one or more tests fail
# @details Test cases can be nested.
Expand All @@ -60,82 +68,85 @@
# (test:eq 1 2 "1 is 2, this should fail")})
# =end
# @author
($ test:case (_desc _body) (_case
(fun () {
_body })))
($ test:case (_desc _body) {
(mut _old_pointer _suite.case_pointer)
# Add the test name to a pile so that we can nicely print all the case names later.
# Update the pointer to current case to its old value later on
(_suite.add_case _desc)
(_suite.update_case_ptr _old_pointer)})

# internal, do not use
# Until _case_pointer isn't at the end of the pile (where our failing test case's is),
# iterate on the list, writing the case name in a cascade pattern.
# This way if we have CASE A>CASE B>CASE C and no test crashed in A nor in A>B,
# we are still able to display the cascade A>B>C with the correct indentation.
(let _add_case (fun () {
(let _target_len (len _cases))

(while (< _case_pointer _target_len) {
(mut _indent (* 2 _case_pointer))

(mut _fmt
(if (> _indent 0)
(+ "{: <" (toString _indent) "}{}")
(append! _failures (str:format _fmt "" (@ _cases _case_pointer)))
(set _case_pointer (+ 1 _case_pointer)) }) }))
(let _target_len (len _suite.cases))
(while (< _suite.case_pointer _target_len) {
(mut _indent (* 2 _suite.case_pointer))
(mut _fmt (if (> _indent 0) (+ "{: <" (toString _indent) "}{}") "{}{}"))
(_suite.register_failure (str:format _fmt "" (@ _suite.cases _suite.case_pointer)))
(_suite.update_case_ptr (+ 1 _suite.case_pointer))})}))

# internal, do not use
# This can only be used within a (nested or not) call to test:suite
# because it updates _failed and _failures, which are defined by
# test:suite call to _runner
(let _report_error (fun (_lhs _rhs _lhs_repr _rhs_repr _desc) {
(set _failed (+ 1 _failed))

# If we have a case description AND the pointer isn't up to date, display the case(s)' names
(if (and (not (empty? _case_desc)) (!= _case_pointer (len _cases))) (_add_case))

# Compute global indent for the failing test resume
(let _indent_case_len (* 2 (len _cases)))

(let _indent
(if (> _indent_case_len 0)
(str:format (+ "{: <" (toString _indent_case_len) "}") "")

# Add the error message
(append! _failures (str:format "{}expected '{}' but got '{}'{}" _indent _lhs_repr _rhs_repr (_test_desc _desc)))

(let _rhs_start (+ (len _lhs_repr) (len "expected ''")))
(let _lhs_align (len _lhs_repr))
(let _rhs_align (len _rhs_repr))
(let _show_expected (!= _lhs_repr (toString _lhs)))
(let _show_real (!= _rhs_repr (toString _rhs)))

(if _show_real (append!
(+ "{}{: <" (toString (len "expected ")) "}" "{: <" (toString _rhs_start) "}{:~<" (toString _rhs_align) "} {}")
# to position one char before the first ' surrounding the expected value
# writes the | right under the first ' surrounding the expected value
(if _show_expected
# begins the \~~~~ under the real value
(if _show_real
(if _show_real
(if _show_expected (append! _failures (str:format (+ "{}{: <" (toString (len "expected ")) "}\\ {}") _indent "" _lhs))) }))
(let _test_desc (fun (_desc)
(if (empty? _desc)
(str:format " for test '{}'" (head _desc)))))


# If we have a case description AND the pointer isn't up to date, display the case(s)' names
(if (_suite.need_case?)

# Compute global indent for the failing test resume
(let _indent_case_len (* 2 (len _suite.cases)))
(let _indent (if (> _indent_case_len 0)
(str:format (+ "{: <" (toString _indent_case_len) "}") "")
# Add the error message
(_suite.register_failure (str:format "{}expected '{}' but got '{}'{}" _indent _lhs_repr _rhs_repr (_test_desc _desc)))

(let _rhs_start (+ (len _lhs_repr) (len "expected ''")))
(let _lhs_align (len _lhs_repr))
(let _rhs_align (len _rhs_repr))
(let _show_expected (!= _lhs_repr (toString _lhs)))
(let _show_real (!= _rhs_repr (toString _rhs)))

(if _show_real
(+ "{}{: <" (toString (len "expected ")) "}" "{: <" (toString _rhs_start) "}{:~<" (toString _rhs_align) "} {}")
# to position one char before the first ' surrounding the expected value
# writes the | right under the first ' surrounding the expected value
(if _show_expected "|" "")
# begins the \~~~~ under the real value
(if _show_real "\\" "")
(if _show_real _rhs ""))))
(if _show_expected
(+ "{}{: <" (toString (len "expected ")) "}\\ {}")

# internal, do not use
# This can only be used within a (nested or not) call to test:suite
# because it updates _passed, which is defined by test:suite call to _runner
(let _report_success (fun () {
(set _passed (+ 1 _passed))
(if display_cases_success (_add_case)) }))
(if _suite.display_cases_success

# @brief Given a value or function call returning a boolean, generate a test case
# @param _cond the value to test for truthiness
Expand All @@ -147,9 +158,9 @@
# =end
# @author
($ test:expect (_cond ..._desc) {
(if (!= true ($paste _cond))
(_report_error true ($paste _cond) "true" ($repr _cond) _desc)
(_report_success)) })
(if (!= true ($paste _cond))
(_report_error true ($paste _cond) "true" ($repr _cond) _desc)

# @brief Compare two values that should be equal and generate a test case
# @param _expected expected value
Expand All @@ -162,9 +173,9 @@
# =end
# @author
($ test:eq (_expected _expr ..._desc) {
(if (= ($paste _expected) ($paste _expr))
(_report_error ($paste _expected) ($paste _expr) ($repr _expected) ($repr _expr) _desc)) })
(if (= ($paste _expected) ($paste _expr))
(_report_error ($paste _expected) ($paste _expr) ($repr _expected) ($repr _expr) _desc))})

# @brief Compare two values that should **not** be equal and generate a test case
# @param _unexpected the value we don't want
Expand All @@ -176,25 +187,22 @@
# =end
# @author
($ test:neq (_unexpected _value ..._desc) {
(if (!= ($paste _unexpected) ($paste _value))
(_report_error ($paste _unexpected) ($paste _value) ($repr _unexpected) ($repr _value) _desc)) })
(if (!= ($paste _unexpected) ($paste _value))
(_report_error ($paste _unexpected) ($paste _value) ($repr _unexpected) ($repr _value) _desc))})

# @brief Generate the code for a test suite
# @details Create two variables: _name-output (a list: [successes, failures]) and _name-status (boolean, true on success)
# @param _name test name, as an identifier
# @param _body body of the test, a begin block
# =begin
# (test:suite name {
# (set display_cases_success true) # default: false, when true, display all the cases names on success and failures
# (_suite.toggle_display_cases_success true) # default: false, when true, display all the cases names on success and failures
# (test:eq 6 (my_function 1 2 3))
# (test:eq 128 (* 8 16))})
# =end
# @author
($ test:suite (_name _body) {
(let ($symcat _name "-output") (_runner
($repr _name)
(fun () ($paste
_body }))))
(let ($symcat _name "-status") (= 0 (@ ($symcat _name "-output") 1))) })
(set _suite (_make_suite ($repr _name)))
(let ($symcat _name "-output") (_runner ($repr _name) (fun () ($paste {_body}))))
(let ($symcat _name "-status") (= 0 (@ ($symcat _name "-output") 1)))})

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