Project-based on this course offered on Udemy The project was restructured with the new version of spring and new dependencies, because the original course is 3 years old, but still a valid reference. You can have more info about the content looking the architecture below, I strongly suggest to attend the course with this repo as a reference, due the fact that has major upgrades and fixes, indeed a cleaner structure.
- Make sure you have docker and docker-compose on your laptop.
- git clone the project
- From terminal: cd local-deployment
- From terminal: docker-compose up
- Wait few minutes and your project will be up and running.
- To terminate, from terminal: docker-compose down
- Make sure you have docker and docker-compose on your laptop.
- git clone the project
- Go in the project's folder that you would like to re-build.
- Edit the Dockerfile with your own repo.
- From terminal: mvn clean package
- From terminal: mvn docker:build
- From terminal: mvn docker:push