This module serves to persist generic objects in Core Data with id as primary key to find them easily. The object is encrypted with password. For encryption and decryption use (include in module and install automatically with pod like dependency):
Install from cocoapods with:
pod 'CoreDataGenericModule', :git => ""
Available from iOS 12++ and Swift 5
Only one entity with two properties:
Object => idEntity (String) and dataEntity (Binary Data)
This module are composed with two classes and one protocol:
For init context and model only:
Save an object given a dicionary and the name of Entity in CoreData
- parameter object: Object model implement CDGCoreDataProtocol
- parameter passwordForEncrypted: String for use like password for encrypted in Core Data
- returns: results with Bool
func saveObject(object: CDGCoreDataProtocol, passwordForEncrypted: String) -> Bool
Delete entity given the key and value
- parameter identifier: Object identifier
- returns: results with Bool
func deleteObjectWithIdentifier(identifier: String) -> Bool
Get any object from Core Data
- parameter identifier: Object identifier
- parameter passwordForEncrypted: String for use like password for encrypted in Core Data
- returns: object
func getObjectWithIdentifier(identifier: String) -> AnyObject?
Get objects from Core Data
- parameter entityName: Entity name for get object
- parameter passwordForEncrypted: String for use like password for encrypted in Core Data
- returns: Objects (array with dictionaries) or nil
func getObjectsFromCoreData(entityName: String, passwordForEncripted: String) -> Array<[String : String]>
Delete all data from Entity in Core Data
- returns: results with Bool
func deleteAllInCoreData() -> Bool
public protocol CDGCoreDataProtocol {
* Implement in model class. Return the object given a dictionary
init(dictionary: [String: String])
* Implement in model class. Return a dictionary (key - value) with the properties of the class
func saveAsDictionary() -> NSDictionary
* Set the unique identifier of the class
func uniqueIdentifier() -> String
import Foundation
import CoreDataGenericModule
User class
class User: NSObject, CDGCoreDataProtocol {
Id card for user object model
var idCard: String = ""
Name for user object model
var name: String = ""
Init for object model
- parameter idCard: idCard description
- parameter name: name description
- returns: object init
init(idCard: String, name: String) {
self.idCard = idCard = name
// MARK: CDGCoreDataProtocol
required init(dictionary: [String: String]) {
idCard = dictionary["idCard"]!
name = dictionary["name"]!
func saveAsDictionary() -> NSDictionary {
return [
"idCard" : idCard,
"name" : name
func uniqueIdentifier() -> String {
return idCard