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Actions: ArthurGartner/mnad

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12 workflow runs
12 workflow runs

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Added drink glass images
Generate a build and push to another branch #12: Commit e2587b5 pushed by ArthurGartner
September 12, 2023 04:50 49s main
September 12, 2023 04:50 49s
Added fix for removal of info when drinkData is false
Generate a build and push to another branch #11: Commit 2eb6551 pushed by ArthurGartner
September 11, 2023 07:06 56s main
September 11, 2023 07:06 56s
Added logic for current day before 5
Generate a build and push to another branch #10: Commit 81a69d4 pushed by ArthurGartner
September 11, 2023 07:02 52s main
September 11, 2023 07:02 52s
Deploy test
Generate a build and push to another branch #9: Commit 322de0a pushed by ArthurGartner
September 11, 2023 03:57 1m 3s main
September 11, 2023 03:57 1m 3s
actions update
Generate a build and push to another branch #8: Commit a450cec pushed by ArthurGartner
September 11, 2023 03:44 46s main
September 11, 2023 03:44 46s
Updated to actions for working directory
Generate a build and push to another branch #7: Commit 5f1eb08 pushed by ArthurGartner
September 11, 2023 03:43 Startup failure main
September 11, 2023 03:43 Startup failure
Updated vite config for actions
Generate a build and push to another branch #6: Commit bbc9398 pushed by ArthurGartner
September 11, 2023 03:32 18s main
September 11, 2023 03:32 18s
Actions fix
Generate a build and push to another branch #5: Commit 8e734db pushed by ArthurGartner
September 11, 2023 03:30 23s main
September 11, 2023 03:30 23s
Actions fix again
Generate a build and push to another branch #4: Commit 2c207ed pushed by ArthurGartner
September 11, 2023 03:25 17s main
September 11, 2023 03:25 17s
Update to actions, fixed build command for vite
Generate a build and push to another branch #3: Commit 6b1a44b pushed by ArthurGartner
September 11, 2023 03:22 16s main
September 11, 2023 03:22 16s
Update to actions flow
Generate a build and push to another branch #2: Commit c6187fc pushed by ArthurGartner
September 11, 2023 03:21 20s main
September 11, 2023 03:21 20s
Updates to timer and auto deploy added
Generate a build and push to another branch #1: Commit 4f9deaf pushed by ArthurGartner
September 11, 2023 03:19 18s main
September 11, 2023 03:19 18s