Team name: Group 13
Canvas group number: 13
Team members and their email addresses:
Astalaxmi D -
Rebekka Hubrich -
Arvind Sundar
Description and links to the datasets used:
Number of trees in each neighbourhood:
House Values in Pittsburgh:
Individual Analysis notebooks:
Astalaxmi D -: Folder: Final Project ; File name: Number_of_Trees.ipynb
Rebekka Hubrich - FinalProject_Rebekka
Arvind Sundar - House_Values
A one sentence overview of your repository, meant for someone who is not familiar with the project:
This repository analysises three metrics number of trees, degree of traffic and market value of houses in each neighbourhood to determine the
best neighbourhood to start a fire easily and have maximum damage.
Rebekka - My repository is an analysis of the traffic in different Pittsburgh, that uses pandas to examine the mean traffic in different neighborhoods.
Arvind Sundar- My repository analyzes house values for neighborhoods in Pittsburgh and organizes them based on value
Astalaxmi D- My repository calculates and organizes the neighborhoods in Pittsburgh based on the number of trees