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Aceternity UI with ReactJS Setup Guide

This guide will help you set up a ReactJS project with Aceternity UI. Follow the steps below to get started.

Step 1: Create a React App

Create a new React application using the following command:

npx create-react-app my-app

Step 2: Navigate into the Project Directory

Navigate into the project directory:

cd my-app

Step 3: Install Tailwind CSS and Other Dependencies

Install Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, and Autoprefixer:

npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer


  • tailwindcss: A utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs.

  • postcss: A tool for transforming CSS with JavaScript plugins.

  • autoprefixer: A PostCSS plugin which parses your CSS and adds vendor prefixes.

Step 4: Initialize Tailwind CSS

Run the following command to generate tailwind.config.js and

postcss.config.js files:
npx tailwindcss init -p

Step 5: Configure Tailwind CSS

Add the following content to your tailwind.config.js file:

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: [
    // Or if using `src` directory:
  theme: {
    extend: {},
  plugins: [],

Step 6: Configure CSS Files

Replace the contents of index.css with the following:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

Step 7: Create a Utils Folder

In your project directory, create a " utils " folder within the "src" directory using your file explorer.

Step 8: Create cn.js Utility

Inside the utils folder, create a cn.js file and add the following code:

import clsx from "clsx";
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";

export function cn(...inputs) {
  return twMerge(clsx(...inputs));

Note: The code for cn.js may change. Check the guide for the component you want to add on Aceternity UI's website and convert the TypeScript code into JavaScript if necessary.

Step 9: Create Components and UI Folders

Using your file explorer, create a components folder inside the "src" directory. Then, create a ui folder inside the components folder. Step

10: Add UI Components

Add the source code from Aceternity UI's website to the ui folder. The provided code will be in .tsx format; convert it to .jsx using language models if necessary.

Step 11: Install Dependencies

Install the dependencies mentioned in the component's guide on the Aceternity UI website.

Step 12: Create Elements Folder

Using your file explorer, create an elements folder inside the components folder. Add the desired element's code into an <element_name>.jsx file within the elements folder.

Note: The code will be typescript on the website convert it to .jsx.

Step 13: Replace Imports from Next.js

Remove any imports from the source code and elements that reference next modules and replace them with React equivalents:

For Example:

  • next/image ---> No import needed; replace all instances of Image with img.

  • next/link ----> import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

Step 14: Correct Import Paths(Important)

Ensure that all import paths in your files (e.g., cn.js, component files, element files) are correct.

Step 15: Render the Element

Make the necessary imports to render the element.

Step 16: Install React Router

Install react-router-dom and update index.js:

npm install react-router-dom

Update index.js as follows:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client';
import './index.css';
import App from './App';
import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
  <App />

Step 17: Start the Application

Run the application (terminal):

npm start

You have successfully set up your React application with Aceternity UI.

Enjoy building your UI components!


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