- Retrieve all successful bookings:
- Find the average ride distance for each vehicle type:
- Get the total number of cancelled rides by customers:
- List the top 5 customers who booked the highest number of rides:
- Get the number of rides cancelled by drivers due to personal and car-related issues:
- Find the maximum and minimum driver ratings for Prime Sedan bookings:
- Retrieve all rides where payment was made using UPI:
- Find the average customer rating per vehicle type:
- Calculate the total booking value of rides completed successfully:
- List all incomplete rides along with the reason:
- Ride Volume Over Time
- Booking Status Breakdown
- Top 5 Vehicle Types by Ride Distance
- Average Customer Ratings by Vehicle Type
- cancelled Rides Reasons
- Revenue by Payment Method
- Top 5 Customers by Total Booking Value
- Ride Distance Distribution Per Day
- Driver Ratings Distribution
- Customer vs. Driver Ratings
Data Columns
- Date
- Time
- Booking_ID
- Booking_Status
- Customer_ID
- Vehicle_Type
- Pickup_Location
- Drop_Location
- cancelled_Rides_by_Customer
- cancelled_Rides_by_Driver
- Incomplete_Rides
- Incomplete_Rides_Reason
- Booking_Value
- Payment_Method
- Ride_Distance
- Driver_Ratings
- Customer_Rating