Predicting Loan State with SVM method, preprocessing and feature selction
You can easily run this code on google colab by just clicking this badge
- Pearson Correlation : for features selection
- SVM algorithm : for training model
- Grid Search : for finding best hyper parameters
you can use this Dataset with clicking this badges :
on the step 3 of the code file you can easily use the dataset like importing this code:
train_set_url = ""
test_set_url = ""
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
train_set = pd.read_csv(train_set_url)
test_set = pd.read_csv(test_set_url)
Column | Description | Type |
Id | Unique Loan ID | Int |
Income | The income person have | Int |
Age | Age of person | Int |
Experience | No. of years of experience | Int |
Married/Single | Married/Single state : single/married | String |
House_Ownership | House ownership : owned/rented/norent_noown | String |
Car_Ownership | Car ownership : yes/no | String |
Profession | The profession person have | String |
CITY | The city person live | String |
STATE | The state person live | String |
CURRENT_JOB_YRS | How many years the person have the job | Int |
CURRENT_HOUSE_YRS | How many years the person have the house | Int |
Risk_Flag | Loan State: 0/1 | Int |
For running all sell on hosted runtime it costs about 65 minutes (around 1 hours) but there is tips to run it around 15 minutes.
But you can just using one kernel for the SVM so here are more details:
- Linear Kernel : 2 min
- Poly Kernel : 2 min
- RBF Kernel : 3 min
- Sigmoid Kernel : 2 min
and for the finding the optimized hyperparameter you need to run again this kernels but you can optimize the hyperparameters (Step 10) and skip first training model (Step 9).
the kernels are not have different accuracy the best one is rbf model so run that in the** Step 10** (finding hyperparameter) running time in google colab is just around 15 min.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.