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Final Project: Photographer Portfolio Website

General Assembly WDI NYC September, 2107

The Master Mind

  • Asher Shaheen

Deployed Link: Eric Wiley



The project entails a portfolio website for a NYC Photographer. The website has two interfaces one for the CLIENTS and the other for the PHOTOGRAPHER. A client has access to all of the photographer's work (PICS), an option to view photographer's schedule based on his bookings and an option to create a BOOKING. Photographer has an option to VIEW and DELETE all of his BOOKINGS and an option to upload his work (PICS) to a cloud server and ability for his clients to view those uploads on his page.

User Stories

  • User should be able to see the Bio page which includes all the content for the Photographer
  • User should be able to Register
  • User should be able to Login after Registering
  • User should be able to Book an appointment
  • Once an appointment is booked, Photographer should be able to receive an email notification stating that a User has booked an appoointment
  • Photographer should be able to Register & Login and should be able to see his Calender
  • Photographer should be able to confirm appointments on his calender
  • Photographer & the client should be able to see all of the appointments on the calender
  • Photographer should be able to upload his work(pics, videos) to rails DB Source Here

Sourced Technologies

  • REACT: Frontend UI
  • Rails: Used as an API to save all the content for the photographer
  • Rails Action Mailer - For Email Handlings Source Here
  • Coudinary - To Store all the pics (references will be saved in Rails DB)
  • Dropzone - For pics Uploads
  • React Big Calendar - Display all bookings on a Calendar
  • Moment & Moment-Duration-Format (Parsing Dates & Times received from API Response)
  • MailGun - For email handlings / forwardings

Code Snipets

Drop Zone - Image Uploads
                accept="image/jpeg, image/png, image/jpg"
                onDrop={(files, reject) => this.uploadFile(files, reject)}>
                {({ isDragActive, isDragReject, acceptedFiles, rejectedFiles }) => {
                        return this.state.accept.length || this.state.reject.length
                            ? `Accepted ${this.state.accept.length}, rejected ${this.state.reject.length} files`
                            : "Drag a Pic or Click in the box to upload a picture";
                    <h3>Accepted files</h3>
               => <li key={}>{} - {f.size} bytes</li>)
                    <h3>Rejected files</h3>
               => <li key={}>{} - {f.size} bytes</li>)

Snap Shot of File Structure (Front End)

|_ client
    |_ node_modules
    |_ public
    |_ src
        |_ assets
        |_ components
        |    |_ AdminBooking.jsx
        |    |_ Appointment.jsx
        |    |_ Bio.jsx
        |    |_ Calendar.jsx
        |    |_ Dash.jsx
        |    |_ Home.jsx
        |    |_ ImageUpload.jsx
        |    |_ LoginForm.jsx
        |    |_ Nav.jsx
        |    |_ RegisterForm.jsx
        |__ modules
        |    |_ Auth.js
        |__ App.js        
        |__ App.css
        |__ index.js
        |__ index.css
        |__ registerServiceWorker.js

Installation Instructions

  • bundle install from the _MAIN PROJECT FOLDER & yarn install from THE CLIENT FOLDER to install all dependencies

Loose Ends


  • Parsing the dates correctly which are being fetched from the DB
  • Creating an option for the admin to EDIT registered USERS
  • Email forwardings


No description, website, or topics provided.






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