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Ash edited this page Jun 6, 2024 · 2 revisions



Read You is based on Jetpack Compose toolkit for building Android's native UI.

  1. First you need to get the source code of Read You:

    git clone
  2. Then open it via Android Studio (latest version).

  3. Select the GitHub* variant in Build Variants bar (optional).

  4. When you click the ▶ Run button, it will be built and run automatically.

    In case of lag, please build release version.


The purpose of this page is to document Read You's release processes for future maintainers.

On 2024-01-09, Ashinch shared their typical release process (here: This page is meant to document that process more permanently for future maintainers.

I (@mbestavros) did a slightly different process when cutting 0.9.9 that I believe is a little simpler (mainly, creating a tag as part of the release), so I will describe that process.

  1. Merge translation pull requests from Weblate. These usually have no code impact, so they are generally safe to merge.
  2. Make a new commit, including changes to the version number and an F-Droid changelog. For an example of what this might look like, see the 0.9.9 commit or the 0.9.8 commit.
  3. Wait for the GitHub workflow build_commit to complete the build for the new version.
  4. Retrieve the APK file from the artifacts.
  5. Draft a new release and upload the new APK file as a binary. Follow the format of previous releases as closely as possible. You can copy and paste the Fastlane changelogs you wrote as part of step 2. Be sure to create a new tag as part of the release!
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