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It is a Vue.js 2.0 basic forum web application using Single File Components approach. Application is based on

  • Vue.js 2 - the progressive JavaScript Framework for building user interfaces
  • Vuex - a state management pattern + library for Vue.js applications
  • Vue Axios - a small wrapper for integrating axios to Vuejs
  • Vue Router - official router for Vue.js
  • Vuelidate - lightweight model-based validation
  • Bootstrap + Vue - provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap V4 components and grid system

Application demonstrates many Vue.js features such as, props, watchers, named slots, mixins, event bus, transitions, lazy loading routes, global/in-components guards, scrolling behavior etc. It uses Firebase REST API (no SDK) to authenticate, access Firebase database and exchange a refresh token for an access token. Forum app is hosted on Firebase - or

To get started.

       Clone the repository
       git clone
       cd Vue2Forum
       npm install OR yarn install
       npm start OR yarn start

Go to Vue.js 2 Forum Video page

Go to How to run Vue.js 2 Forum page

Go to Vue.js 2 Forum description page

Go to How to run Nuxt.js 2 Forum page for Nuxt version of this forum