You can call me AsmaZgo! I'm a Senior Machine Learning engineer with 6 years of experience in data science and big data engineering. I'm skilled in building and deploying complex models for a variety of applications, and experienced in managing and analyzing large datasets. I'm also passionate about using data science and analytics to solve real-world problems.
-- 👯 I'm enjoying collaboration with the Apache Spark community and I’m looking to collaborate more on open source Machine Learning projects. Reach out to me if you have project ideas ;)
• System design for an ML training architecture using online and batch learning to solve an anomaly detection problem:
• Comparing Databases:
• Jupyter notebook for semi-supervised learning using Label propagation:
• Jupyter notebook for computer vision using Ann:
• Certifications and certificates:
• will be released soon: NLP blogs about transformers
- DWS: a data placement approach for Smart Grid EcosystemsDWS: a data placement approach for Smart Grid Ecosystems IDEAS 2019 · Jun 1, 2019
- Metadata based datasets placement in Smart grids. Short paper presented as a poster (4 pages) Metadata based datasets placement in Smart grids. MTSR 2018 (cyprus) · Oct 1, 2018
- Metadata based datasets placement in Big Data Ecosystems. Gestion de Données – Principes, Technologies et Applications, bucharest, Romania · Oct 1, 2018
-- 📫 How to reach me:
- LinkedIn:
- Twitter: @zgolli_asma
- Meduim: