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notrodes edited this page Oct 23, 2019 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the Aspine wiki!


Who needs Aspen when you have Aspine. It serves as a one stop shop for everything Aspen related, and there are rainbows!

Getting Started

Using Aspine is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Just visit and login with your Aspen credentials.


  • Aesthetic Grade Checking
  • CRLS Clock

CRLS Clock Image

  • Grade Comparison via boxplot

Example Boxplot Image

  • Calendar

Example Calendar Image

  • Chat with your classmates (coming soon...)


How are usernames and passwords handled?

Aspine does not store any usernames or passwords.

How are calculated grades computed?

First, calculated category percentages are computed by dividing a student's total earned points within a category by the total available points for that category. Then, the category percentages are multiplied by their respective weights and summed in order to produce the calculated grade for a class.


  • Assignments scored with free text (i.e. "Missing", "Exempt") are ignored during grade computation. (Improvements coming soon)
  • Due to the mysterious workings of Aspen, it is impossible to achieve 100% accuracy when making grade prediction calculations. That being said, Aspine's cutting edge grade calcuation algorithm is unmatched.

Built With


Feel free to suggest an enhancement or post a bug issue either via github issues or this google form!

If you would like to directly contribute to Aspine, you can fork this repository and clone your fork on your computer with a git client. To test your additions to Aspine:

  • Make sure that you have installed node.js, npm, and redis.
    • On GNU+Linux, you should be able to find both of these in your package manager (e.g. apt/dpkg, yum/dnf, zypper, pacman). npm may be in a separate package from node.js.
    • On macOS, node.js (including npm) and redis are available on Homebrew, as node and redis respectively.
    • On Windows, node.js (including npm) can be downloaded from its website and (an older version of) redis can be downloaded from If you use Chocolatey, node.js (including npm) is available as nodejs, and redis is available as redis-64. Please note that Microsoft has only ported Redis to 64-bit Windows. If your Windows installation is 32-bit (this is probably only if your computer is more than 8 years old), you may be able to build Redis from source or find an alternative method to download Redis.
  • Open a terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory in which you cloned the Aspine git repository, and run npm install to install the required dependencies.
  • Open another terminal or command prompt, navigate to that same directory, and run redis-server redis.conf. If you are on Windows, you may need to create a directory called db for Redis to work properly.
  • In the other terminal or command prompt, run node ./serve.js insecure, or node ./serve.js insecure fake to use the sample.json file instead of pulling from Aspen (for faster testing).

These instructions have only been tested on GNU+Linux and Windows. You might need to change your PATH on Windows if you get an error saying that node is not found after installing node.js.


Color Palette

Primary Color: #00551D
Secondary Colors:
 - #268A48
 - #107031
 - #003913
 - #001E0A

Grade Lettering and Coloring

Grade Range Letter Primary Color Secondary Color
96.5 - 100 A+ #1E8541 #3d995c
92.5 - 96.4 A #1E8541 #3d995c
89.5 - 92.4 A- #1E8541 #3d995c
86.5 - 89.4 B+ #6666FF #a3a3f5
82.5 - 86.4 B #6666FF #a3a3f5
79.5 - 82.4 B- #6666FF #a3a3f5
76.5 - 79.4 C+ #ff9900 #eba947
72.5 - 76.4 C #ff9900 #eba947
69.5 - 72.4 C- #ff9900 #eba947
66.5 - 69.4 D+ Orange #ebb147
62.5 - 66.4 D Orange #ebb147
59.5 - 62.4 D- Orange #ebb147
0 - 59.4 F Red #eb4747


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 - see the file for details.