Led by Dr. Rodrigo Luger
Organized by Penn State Center for Astrostatistics
This repository contains the following computational notebooks and supporting files:
- RegularizedRegression.ipynb (Jupyter notebook): Provides an introduction and example applications of regularized regression.
- RegularizedRegressionAnswers.ipynb (Jupyter notebook): Contains code and plots resulting from RegularizedRegression.ipynb.
- regularization.py (python code): Provides supporting functions used by the two notebooks above. It's assumed that most students will not open this file directly.
Summer School participants will be provided instructions for accessing a JupyterLab server.
Others may install Python 3 and Jupyter (or JupyterLab) on their local computer or use Google Colab to open the Jupyter notebooks.
RegularizedRegressionAnswers.ipynb requires a recent version of matplotlib. If you try to run the notebook on your own machine and get an error message, then try
pip install matplotlib>=3.5
and see if that fixes it.
We welcome people filing issues and/or opening pull requests to improve these labs for future summer schools and potentialy other uses.
- GitHub respository for all of Astroinformatics Summer school
- Astroinformatics Summer school Website & registration