ROS teleoperation scripts for robots with ackermann steering
- Run the teleoperation script, with
rosrun ackermann_drive_teleop ackermann_drive_keyop
- You can set max speed, steering angle and command topic by giving them as arguments, when running the script.
eg.1rosrun ackermann_drive_teleop ackermann_drive_keyop 0.5
-> max_speed=max_steering_angle=0.5, command_topic=/ackermann_cmd
eg.2rosrun ackermann_drive_teleop ackermann_drive_keyop 0.5 0.8
-> max_speed=0.5, max_steering_angle=0.8, command_topic=/ackermann_cmd
eg.3rosrun ackermann_drive_teleop ackermann_drive_keyop 0.5 0.8 ack_cmd
-> max=speed=0.5, max_steering_angle=0.8, command_topic=/ack_cmd - Use the "up", "down" arrow keys to control speed, "left" and "right" arrow keys to control the steering angle,
space to brake and tab to reset the steering angle.
- Run the teleoperation script, as well as the joy node using the following command:
roslaunch ackermann_drive_teleop ackermann_drive_joyop.launch
- You can set max speed and steering angle, by giving them as arguments to the launcher.
eg.roslaunch ackermann_drive_teleop ackermann_drive_joyop.launch max_speed:=0.5 max_angle:=0.8
- In order to use a joystick, it must have read and write permissions.
You can grant such permissions by executing the following command:sudo chmod a+rw /dev/input/js0