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This repo has been developed to enable standardised statistics and plotting of ACS climate hazard data to support the Australian Climate Service (ACS) Hazard teams and the National Climate Risk Assessment (NCRA). We have developed Python functions and provided examples of mapping climate hazards for Australia so that data can be consistently and clearly presented.

Examples include maps and stats for Australia with a range of regions including states/territories and NCRA regions. Plotting is also possible for station data and ocean data. The functions are flexible to plot any given lat/lon but are optimised for Australia.

Intended uses include taking netcdf or xarray dataarrays of hazards and indices such as Rx1day, TXx, FFDI and plotting the data on a map of Australia.

This work has enabled consistent mapping and summary analyses of Hazard Metrics for present and future scenarios at Global Warming Levels (GWLs). Subsequent figures and tables have been presented to national departments and ministers. The figures and tables contribute to the timely delivery of presentations and reports on Australia’s current and future climate hazards.

The code has been developed to be flexible and functional for different hazards; plotting land, ocean and station-based data; creating single- and multi-panel plots; applying different regions (eg states and NCRA regions); and masking areas (eg AGCD mask). The goal was to create code that is easy to apply, well-supported by documentation and notebook tutorials, and effective at producing aesthetic and clear plots. This has enabled collaboration between the ACS team of scientists and science communicators to deliver high-quality products to stakeholders.

Figures have been developed to align with ACS design guidelines and IPCC standards, where possible and applicable.

This work has been developed with advice from ACS, CSIRO, and BOM scientists, ACS communication teams, and stakeholders.

This repo has been developed by Gen Tolhurst ( or and supervised by Mitch Black ( Work has been undertaken from May 2024 to October 2024.
Funded by ACS.

What's possible?

There's many possibilities built into this function. plot_acs_hazard is the single plot function. Multiple plots can be made in the same figure using plot_acs_hazard_2pp, plot_acs_hazard_3pp, plot_acs_hazard_4pp, and plot_acs_hazard_1plus3; these multi-panel plots have the same functionalities as the single plot function.

To access docstrings and learn about input arguments, use plot_acs_hazard?. This will describe each parameter you can give to the function to customise your plot.

  • Basic usage: Single plot of Australia eg temperature
  • Plot ocean data: Single plot of ocean data eg marine heat waves
  • Plot stations data: Single plot of station data eg coastal flooding
  • Plot multiple data types. Gridded data and station data can be plotted on the same plot: eg ocean data and station data (station and gridded data on the same plot)
  • Plot categorical data: Single plot of categorical data eg aridity
  • Plot categorical data with stippling: Single plot of hazard data with stippling eg Fire climate classes
  • Plot a selected region: Single plot of single state/region
  • Plot a selection of regions: Single plot of multiple selected regions
  • Plot multi-paneled plots for a range of future global warming levels (GWLs). For example, plot_acs_hazard_4pp and plot_acs_hazard_1plus3 and both four panel plots for gwl1.2, gwl1.5, gwl2.0, and gwl3.0. plot_acs_hazard_1plus3 plots the first (gwl1.2) panel as the baseline and the subsequent 3 gwls as anomalies from this baseline.
  • All the above functionality is available in multi-panelled plots. Functions exist for 1, 2, 3, and 4-panelled plots in vertical or horizontal orientations. (also 2-by-2 “square” for 4pp) The hazard plotting function eg plot_acs_hazard_4pp for four-panelled-plots is constructed using helper functions

This module enables calculating a range of statistics for area defined by shapefiles. It is best used for reducing 2D maps into a table of summary statistics for each region or state.

See the github “issues” for some history of added functionality etc.

Getting started:

Python environment

This code is designed to work with hh5 analysis3-24.04 virtual environment.

In your terminal, this may look like:

$ module use /g/data/hh5/public/modules
$ module load conda/analysis3-24.04

When starting a new ARE JupyterLab session (, requires NCI login), selecting the hh5 analysis3-24.04 virtual environment might look like this:


Access shapefiles

This code references shapefiles stored in /g/data/ia39/. You will need to be a member of this project to access the data. Request membership

See for more information on the shapefiles.

Include the projects you need when you start an ARE session. Eg, storage: "gdata/ia39+gdata/hh5+gdata/mn51"


Cloning this repo

Before you can import acs_plotting_maps to use the plotting function plot_acs_hazard, you will need to clone a copy of this repository to your own working directory.

If you are working in your home directory, navigate there:

$ cd ~/

Else, if you are working elsewhere (eg. scratch or project), specify the path:

$ cd /path/to/dir/

$ cd /scratch/PROJECT/USER/

$ cd /g/data/PROJECT/USER/

Then, you can clone this repository to access the Python code and notebooks.
If you want the new directory to be called anything other than "plotting_maps" please replace the final argument with your choice of directory name:

$ git clone plotting_maps

You will now be able to access the functions, python scripts, and Jupyter notebooks from your user.

Usage in Jupyter Notebook:

See a small, easy-to-follow example here:

Other examples:

  1. Navigate to the directory you cloned to:
cd ~/plotting_maps
  1. Import the ACS plotting maps function and dictionaries and Xarray.
from acs_plotting_maps import plot_acs_hazard, regions_dict, cmap_dict, tick_dict, plot_acs_hazard_3pp
import xarray as xr

3. **Load some data.** For example, this will load extratropical storm rx5day rainfall
ds = xr.open_dataset("/g/data/ia39/australian-climate-service/test-data/CORDEX-CMIP6/bias-adjustment-input/AGCD-05i/BOM/ACCESS-CM2/historical/r4i1p1f1/BARPA-R/v1-r1/day/pr/")

This data has three dimensions (time, lon, lat). There is a value for every day from 01-01-1960 to 31-12-1960. We can only plot 2D, so next we will calculate a statistic to summarise the data

  1. Summarise data into a 2D xr.DataArray. For example, calculate the annual sum:
da = ds.sum(dim="time")[var]
  1. Finally, use the plotting function.
    You will need to specify:
    • the data (and select the variable eg "pr");
    • suitable arguments for the colorbar including cmap, ticks, cbar_label, and cbar_extend;
    • annotations including title, dataset_name, date_range; and
    • where you want the image outfile saved.
regions = regions_dict['ncra_regions']
plot_acs_hazard(data = da,
                regions = regions,
                cbar_label="annual rainfall [mm]",
                title = "Rainfall",
                watermark="EXPERIMENTAL IMAGE ONLY", # When you are making your final figures, remove watermark using: watermark=""
                dataset_name = ds.source_id,
                date_range=f"1 January 1960 to 31 December 1960",
                outfile = "~/figures/out.png");


Plot a three-panel plot

from plotting_maps.acs_plotting_maps import plot_acs_hazard_3pp

var = "HWAtx"

ds_gwl12 =xr.open_dataset("/g/data/ia39/ncra/heat/data/HWAtx/bias-corrected/ensemble/GWL-average/")
ds_gwl15 = xr.open_dataset("/g/data/ia39/ncra/heat/data/HWAtx/bias-corrected/ensemble/GWL-average/")
ds_gwl20 = xr.open_dataset("/g/data/ia39/ncra/heat/data/HWAtx/bias-corrected/ensemble/GWL-average/")
ds_gwl30 = xr.open_dataset("/g/data/ia39/ncra/heat/data/HWAtx/bias-corrected/ensemble/GWL-average/")

plot_acs_hazard_3pp(ds_gwl15 = ds_gwl15[var], 
                    ds_gwl20 = ds_gwl20[var],
                    ds_gwl30 = ds_gwl30[var],
                    regions = regions_dict['ncra_regions'],
                    cbar_label=f"Temperature [degC]",
                    title=f"Maximum Temperature of Hottest Heatwave for future warming scenarios", 
                    date_range = "Insert subtitle - should include the date range of the data \nand then the dataset below that", 
                    # baseline = "GWL1.2", 
                    dataset_name= "MME50_ssp370",
                    watermark="EXPERIMENTAL IMAGE ONLY", # When you are making your final figures, remove watermark using: watermark=""
                    cmap = cmap_dict["tasmax"],
                    ticks = np.arange(18,53,2),)


  1. Calculate summary statistics for the range of models.
# Import needed packages
from acs_area_statistics import acs_regional_stats, get_regions
regions = get_regions(["ncra_regions", "australia"])

this has changed. Previously

"# import needed packages

from acs_area_statistics import acs_regional_stats, regions"

For Calculating the NCRA region stats, we want to compare the regional averages based on different models, eg what is the regional mean value from the coolest/driest model relisation, what is the mean, what is the regional mean from the hottest/wettest model for this, we want ds to have the 10th, median and 90th percentile values from each model, then we can find the range of the models and the MMM.

# calculate the stats using the acs_region_fractional_stats function
# Find the min, mean, max value for each region

ds = xr.open_dataset(filename)
mask_frac = regions.mask_3D_frac_approx(ds)
dims = ("lat", "lon",)
how = ["min", "mean", "max"]

da_summary = acs_regional_stats(ds=ds, infile = filename, mask=mask_frac, dims = dims, how = how,)

The dataframe will be saved to: infile.replace(".nc", f"_summary-{'-'.join(how)}_ncra-regions.csv"

For example only, this would make a dataframe in this format:

region abbrevs names pr_min pr_mean pr_max
0 VIC Victoria 415.729 909.313 3005.45
1 NT Northern Territory 397.385 941.405 3934.81
2 TAS Tasmania 555.644 1760.66 4631.81
3 SA South Australia 284.455 575.952 1413.98
4 NSW New South Wales & ACT 294.329 768.1 3440.04
5 WAN Western Australia North 123.651 921.906 3470.24
6 WAS Western Australia South 249.566 545.317 1819.89
7 SQ Queensland South 287.613 584.155 1654.74
8 NQ Queensland North 264.447 766.444 7146.55
9 AUS Australia 123.614 742.735 7146.55

Time Series extraction

For time series extraction of point locations see

Suggested regions, colormaps and scales for plotting

Using suggested colormaps and scales will improve the consistency across teams producing similar variables. This will support comparison across different plots.

We have provided dictionaries with suggested region shapefiles, cmap colormaps, and tick intervals. Using the recommended items may help make plotting between users more consistent, but if they are not fit for your purpose, you may specify whatever you like.


Region shape files are stored here: /g/data/ia39/aus-ref-clim-data-nci/shapefiles/data/

More information here: []

Regions include Australian:

  • Local Government Areas (LGAs),
  • State and Territories,
  • land boundary,
  • Natural Resource Management (NRM) regions,
  • river regions,
  • broadacre regions, and
  • National Climate Risk Assessment (NCRA) regions.
dict_keys(['aus_local_gov', 'aus_states_territories', 'australia', 'nrm_regions', 'river_regions', 'broadacre_regions', 'ncra_regions'])


These are suggested colormaps matched with possible variables to plot. This includes color maps for total amount and for anomalies.



# This dictionary gives some suggestions on the scale of the colour map to use for some variables. Some scales are taken from climate maps on
tick_dict = {"pr_annual":  [0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 600, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000, 6000],
             "pr_6mon":    [0, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 600,  900, 1200, 1800, 2400, 6000],
             "pr_3mon":  [0, 10,  25,  50, 100, 200, 300,  400,  600,  800, 1200, 2500],
             "pr_mon" :  [0,  1,   5,  10,  25,  50, 100,  200,  300,  400,  600, 1200],
             "pr_hour" :  [0, 1,   2,   5,  10,  15,  20,   30,   50,   75,  100,  200,],
             "pr_days": [0, 2, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175],
             "pr_anom_mon": [-1000, -400, -200, -100, -50, -25, -10, 0, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 1000],
             "pr_anom_3mon": [-2000, -600, -400, -200, -100, -50, -25, 0, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 2000],
             "pr_anom_6mon": [-3000, -1200, -800, -400, -200, -100, -50, 0, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1200, 3000],
             "pr_anom_ann": [-4000, -1800, -1200, -800, -400, -200, -100, 0, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1200, 1800, 4000],
             "pr_diff_mon": [-1000, -400, -200, -100, -50, -25, -10, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 1000],
             "pr_diff_ann": [-3000, -1800, -1200, -800, -400, -200, -100, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1200, 1800, 3000],
             "frost_days": [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 300],
             "frost_days_mon":[0, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 31],
             "tas": np.arange(-9,52, 3),
             "tas_anom_day": np.arange(-14, 14.1, 2),
             "tas_anom_mon": np.arange(-7, 7.1, 1),
             "tas_anom_ann": np.arange(-3.5, 3.6, 0.5),
             "apparent_tas": np.arange(-6, 42, 3),
             "percent": np.arange(0,101,10),
             "xts_freq":[0.00, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.10, 0.12, 0.15]


Standardising hazard maps for ACS






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