A web based application to track workouts
- Be able to enter workouts completed
- See past history of workouts
- User sign up/authentication/etc.
- Use minimal frameworks on both backend and frontend (no Spring here!)
- Java 17
- Postgres 14
- In project root directory:
./mvnw package
- Run with
java -jar backend/target/backend-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
In project root directory:
./mvnw flyway:migrate -pl backend -Dflyway.url="" -Dflyway.user="" -Dflyway.password=""
In psql
\copy exercises(name,description,main_muscle) FROM 'exercises.csv' WITH DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
- Kotlin - Backend language
- Javalin - Backend web framework
- Flyway - Database migrations
- TypeScript - Frontend language
- React - Frontend framework
- Bootstrap 5 - CSS Framework
- Bootstrap Icons - Icons
All urls are prefixed with /api/v1