Releases: AustEcon/bitsv
Releases · AustEcon/bitsv
BitSV 0.11.5
BitSV 0.11.4
- Update README.rst -> for better rendering on pypi
BitSV 0.11.3
- fix
BitSV 0.11.2
BitSV 0.11.1
- 0.11.1 Fixed an off-by-one bug for generating pushdata op_codes for data-carrier 'op_return' txs - c/o @gitzhou.
BitSV 0.11.0
- Added WhatsOnChain API for mainnet and testnet
- Unspent data type: removed 'script' (scriptpubkey) attribute (unavailable from WhatsOnChain and APIs and is unused in the codebase).
- Transaction, TxOutput, TxInput data types: removed unnecessary 'cruft' like 'amount_in', 'amount_out' and 'fee' (also to facilitate use of WhatsOnChain etc. and reduce maintenance overheads).
- MatterCloud now activated via 'MATTERCLOUD_API_KEY' environment variable which makes it the highest priority API in the list for main, test, stn. Otherwise WhatsOnChain is used by default.
BitSV 0.10.4
update main api url from to
BitSV 0.10.3
- Allows transaction fee less than 1 sat/byte (i.e. float) c/o
BitSV 0.10.2
- Fixed broken API endpoint for foreign currency conversions.
BitSV 0.10.1
0.10.1 (2019-11-24)
- Added new Fullnode class for connecting to local bitcoin node via JSON-RPC (thanks goes to for the initial legwork).
- Fullnode class works for Mainnet, Testnet, Scaling-testnet and RegTest (local mock blockchain).
- Reordered outputs to always have 'false return' metadata included in the first output instead of the last. This will fix a new issue that arose with rendering of images etc. on
- Prepend OP_FALSE to OP_RETURN in preparation for Genesis upgrade coming in February.
- Add 'sweep' function to PrivateKey class for sending all coins to a given address.
- 0.10.1 includes a patch for rpc methods list