Jetpack 9.3
- Release date: January 12, 2021
- Release post: p1moTy-sgZ-p2
- Autoloader: improve performance by caching known plugins.
- Instant Search: improve compatibility with IE11.
- Related Posts: use the semantic time element when displaying dates.
- Sharing: defer loading of the reCAPTCHA library by default.
Improved compatibility
- AMP: avoid PHP notice on sites using legacy versions of the AMP plugin.
- Dashboard: avoid errors on sites using PHP 8.
- General: use modern JavaScript best practices for loading scripts.
- Infinite Scroll: add compatibility for the TwentyTwentyOne theme.
- Search: improve styling for the TwentyTwenty theme.
- Synchronization: improve integrity of synchronization between your site and
- Toolbar: iterate on the design and functionality of the toolbar to match the toolbar in use on
Bug fixes
- Autoloader: resolve symbolic links in active plugin paths.
- Autoloader: ensure deactivating plugins aren't cached.
- Blocks: improve sidebar display in non-fullscreen mode.
- Content Options: do not output CSS when it is not needed.
- Instant Search: improve display of tags and categories in search results.
- Lazy Images: attempt to load all images when printing a post, and inform the user when printing if images haven't been loaded.
- Podcast Player Block: avoid PHP notices in some scenarios.
- Search: limit number of filters automatically set up.
- Slideshow Block: ensure that image captions are always shown, regardless of the theme you're using.
- Subscription Block: display the correct default placeholder and button text strings in the post editor.
- Subscriptions: fix the behavior of the toggle switches for the comment subscription settings.
- Twitter Threads: improve how Twitter Cards are generated for embeds in the thread preview.
- VideoPress: detect aspect ratios rounding to both 1.77 and 1.78 as 16:9.
- Widgets: avoid JavaScript errors when displaying the Cookies & Consent Widget.
- REST API: avoid fatal errors in some scenarios, when updating a post's metadata.