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Prism Avalonia UI framework. Super charge your cross-platform apps with IoC, navigation, and more! Sponsored by Suess Labs. Prism is based on Microsoft patterns and practices.


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Prism.Avalonia is officially moving to Prism Library!

Thank you all for helping to mature and make this project into what it is today. I look forward to continuing efforts on Prism Avalonia as part of the official package.

See you over there for future releases!

- Damian


Prism.Avalonia provides your cross-platform Avalonia apps with Prism library support so you can Navigate, create Dialog Windows and Notifications, provide Dependency Injection and internal Messaging easier than before! To help get started, check out the _official Prism.Avalonia Templates for Visual Studio.

For more samples outside of this repo, check out:

Sample Outlookish

Prism.Avalonia's logic and development approach is similar to that of Prism for WPF so can get started right away! Keep in mind, they are similar and not 1-to-1. Check out our Wiki and Avalonia Outlookish app for tips and tricks.

This project currently supports cross-platform Desktop applications (Windows, Linux, Mac). Support for Android, iOS, and web apps is still under evaluation; and is not 100%. Feel free to contribute and help us improve. 😃

Package Releases

Just like Prism.WPF or Prism.Maui, your project must reference both the Prism.Avalonia (Core) and Prism.DryIoc.Avalonia (IoC container) packages to work.

Package Stable Preview
Prism.Avalonia Prism.Avalonia NuGet Badge Prism.Avalonia NuGet Badge
Prism.DryIoc.Avalonia Prism.DryIoc.Avalonia NuGet Badge Prism.DryIoc.Avalonia NuGet Badge

Version Notice

Choose the NuGet package version that matches your Avalonia version.

Our versioning schema is based on the SemVer using the format MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.REVISION. The REVISION segment indicates the Avalonia version support. For instance v9.0.537.11234 equates to, Prism v9.0.537, Avalonia v11.2.3, revision 4.

Prism Avalonia Prism.Avalonia NuGet Package
v8.1.97 11.0.7 v8.1.97.11073 (Core) (DryIoc)
v8.1.97 0.10.21 v8.1.97.1021 (Core) (DryIoc)

Be sure to check out the and guides when upgrading your NuGet packages:


See also,

Prism.Avalonia is an open-source project under the MIT license. We encourage community members like yourself to contribute.

You can contribute today by creating a feature request, issue, or discussion on the forum. From there we can have a brief discussion as to where this fits into the backlog priority. If this is something that fits within the Prism architecture, we'll kindly ask you to create a Pull Request. Any PR made without first having an issue/discussion may be closed.

Issues posted without a description may be closed immediately. Use the discussion boards if you have a question, not Issues.


Add the Prism.Avalonia and its DryIoc packages to your project:

# Legacy: Avalonia v11.0
Install-Package Prism.Avalonia -Version
Install-Package Prism.DryIoc.Avalonia -Version

# Legacy: Avalonia v0.10.1021
Install-Package Prism.Avalonia -Version
Install-Package Prism.DryIoc.Avalonia -Version

How to use


The default Avalonia entrypoint Program.cs does not need to be modified. Below is provided as a sample.

using System;
using Avalonia;

namespace SampleBaseApp;

internal sealed class Program
  // Initialization code. Don't use any Avalonia, third-party APIs or any
  // SynchronizationContext-reliant code before AppMain is called
  public static void Main(string[] args) => BuildAvaloniaApp()

  // Avalonia configuration, don't remove; also used by visual designer.
  public static AppBuilder BuildAvaloniaApp()
    => AppBuilder.Configure<App>()


<Application xmlns=""
  <!-- RequestedThemeVariant allows for the following types, "Default", "Dark", or "Light". -->

    <FluentTheme />



We do not need the OnFrameworkInitializationCompleted() method. However, you must include base.Initialize(); in the Initialize() method to kick-start Prism.Avalonia.

Also, in your App.axaml you no longer need to device the <Design.DataContext>. Prism takes care of this for you! (:

using System;
using Avalonia;
using Avalonia.Markup.Xaml;
using Prism.DryIoc;
using Prism.Ioc;
using SampleBaseApp.Views;

namespace SampleBaseApp;

public partial class App : PrismApplication
  public override void Initialize()
    base.Initialize();  // Required to initialize Prism.Avalonia - DO NOT REMOVE

  protected override AvaloniaObject CreateShell()

    return Container.Resolve<MainWindow>();

  protected override void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
    // Add Services and ViewModel registrations here


    // Services
    //// containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<ISampleService, ISampleService>();

    // Views - Region Navigation
    //// containerRegistry.RegisterForNavigation<DashboardView, DashboardViewModel>();

    // Dialogs
    //// containerRegistry.RegisterDialog<MessageBoxView, MessageBoxViewModel>();
    //// containerRegistry.RegisterDialogWindow<CustomDialogWindow>(nameof(CustomDialogWindow));

    protected override void ConfigureModuleCatalog(IModuleCatalog moduleCatalog)
      // Register modules
      //// moduleCatalog.AddModule<DummyModule.DummyModule1>();

House Keeping

Branching Strategy

Below is a basic branching hierarchy and strategy.

Branch Purpose
master All releases are tagged published using the master branch
develop The default & active development branch. When a feature set is completed and ready for public release, the develop branch will be merged into master and a new NuGet package will be published.
feature/* New feature branch. Once completed, it is merged into develop and the branch must be deleted.
stable/* Stable release base build which shares cherry-picked merges from develop. This branch must not be deleted.

Code of Conduct

See, Code of Conduct


See, Security

Sponsored by: Suess Labs a subsidary of Xeno Innovations, Inc.