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Extensible Web-Based Virtual Table Top


Milestone 1: Grid and Simple Blocks

  • Draggable grid and movable entities that snap to grid
  • Entities expose attributes used for drawing on canvas (color, location, etc.)
  • Can CRUD entity attributes (dialog box with editable fields)
  • Can Create/Delete entire entities
  • Simple navbar
  • Any entity update (movement/attribute change) reflected on all clients using websockets
  • Adjustable grid size

Milestone 2: Map Mode

  • Can easily draw shapes/import maps to a background layer
  • Allow using an image as an entity
  • Images (maps/entities) should be an image url for now
    • TODO: future plans could include a bucket to upload images to
  • Fog of war?

Milestone 3: Entity Rehaul

  • Entity bank to drag and drop onto grid to create multiple, similar entities
    • Delete removes from grid not from bank
    • Should be able to CRUD entity bank "templates"
  • Copy/Paste entities
  • Better organize entity attributes and make editing more intuitive
    • Separate into: appearance, state (position) ?
  • Easily add bars from attrs, circles or squares around entity based on attrs, toggle showing an image based on attrs

Milestone 4: Actually make it easily extensible

TODO: Better define use-cases and expected customization capabilities

  • Well-defined Python API
  • Graphics API?
  • Load JS plugins easily?
    • plugin folder that application loads from?

Other ideas

  • Special effects (animations/glow)
  • Undo/redo capabilities
  • Dice rolling
  • Chat window
  • Fog of war

Known Bugs

  • Entity shadow does not actually match entity size when moving if entity is not size of single grid space
  • Significant lag when using browser zoom out (past 80%) and trying to move entity