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Rapid mining of RNA structure motifs from profiling data.


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Rapid mining of RNA secondary structure motifs from structure profiling data.


What Is It?

patteRNA is an unsupervised pattern recognition algorithm that rapidly mines RNA structure motifs from structure profiling (SP) data.

It features a discretized observation model, hidden Markov model (DOM-HMM) of reactivity that enables automated and calibrated processing of SP data without a dependence on reference structures. It is compatible with most current probing techniques (e.g., SHAPE, DMS, PARS) and can help analyze datasets of any size, from small scale experiments to transcriptome-wide assays. It scales well to millions or billions of nucleotides.

The training and scoring implementations are parallelized, so the algorithm can benefit greatly when deployed in a high CPU-count environment.

Getting Started

These instructions will set up patteRNA as a command line tool.


Python 3.7 or newer. To check the current version on your system, run python3 -V. If your version is anterior to 3.7, install version 3.7 or later. We recommend the use of virtual environments with venv. You also need the latest versions of pip and setuptools, which can be installed by typing: python -m pip install -U pip setuptools.

ViennaRNA Python interface. ViennaRNA is a C library of RNA folding routines. In order for patteRNA to most accurately identify motifs, the ViennaRNA Python interface must be installed and configured for your Python environment. You should be able to run python -c import RNA without errors. If the ViennaRNA interface is not detected, patteRNA can still mine motifs but will be slightly less precise. Use the flag --no-vienna to avoid warnings.


Installation is done directly from source. For that, clone this repository using the commands:

git clone
cd patteRNA

To install the Python module such that it can be executed from the command line, run the setup script.

python install

You can also specify a local installation using the commands:

python install --user
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:~/.local/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc; source ~/.bashrc

Note for macOS Big Sur users: Due to an issue, you must use pip to run the installation. Be sure to update pip and setuptools before attempting the installation (python -m pip install -U pip setuptools). Use the commands:

python -m pip install .


python -m pip install . --user

Note for Apple Silicon users (M1): Some dependencies are not yet pre-built for Apple Silicon, so you must install them manually if using a native Python executable (i.e., non-x86_64). Specifically, to install numpy, scipy, and sklearn properly, follow these instructions before installing with pip.

Running a test

To make sure patteRNA is properly installed, run the following command:

patteRNA --version

This should output the current version of patteRNA. You can now do a test by entering the following command:

patteRNA sample_data/weeks_set.shape sample_output -f sample_data/weeks_set.fa --motif "((((...))))" -v

This will run patteRNA in verbose mode (-v) and create an output directory sample_output in the current folder.


General usage and available options

patteRNA <probing> <output> <OPTIONS>

All available options are accessible via patteRNA -h as listed below. Recommendations (when applicable) are given in the option caption. Note that switches (i.e. boolean options that do not need arguments), have defaults set to False and are set to True if provided.

usage: patteRNA [-h] [--version] [-v] [-f fasta] [--reference reference] [-l]
                [--no-vienna] [--GMM] [-k kernels] [--KL-div KL-div] [-e eps]
                [-i iter] [-t tasks] [--model model] [--motif motif]
                [--path path] [--hairpins] [--posteriors] [--viterbi] [--HDSL]
                [--SPP] [--nan] [--print-nan] [--no-prompt]
                [--min-cscores min] [--no-cscores] [--batch-size size]
                [-c length]
                probing output

Rapid mining of RNA secondary structure motifs from profiling data.

positional arguments:
  probing               FASTA-like file of probing data
  output                Output directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         Print detailed progress logs (default: False)
  -f fasta, --fasta fasta
                        FASTA file of RNA sequences (default: None)
  --reference reference
                        FASTA-like file of reference RNA secondary structures
                        in dot-bracket notation (default: None)
  -l, --log             Log transform input data (default: False)
  --no-vienna           Do not attempt to use ViennaRNA libraries. Turns off
                        LBC scoring classifier. (default: False)
  --GMM                 Train a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) during training
                        instead of a Discretized ObservationModel (DOM)
                        (default: False)
  -k kernels            Number of kernels per pairing state to use in the
                        emission model. By default, k is determined
                        automatically using Bayesian Information Criteria.
                        Increasing k manually can more precisely fit=the data,
                        but could result in overfitting. Fitted data should
                        always be visually inspected after training to gauge
                        if the model is adequate. (default: -1)
  --KL-div KL-div       Minimum Kullback–Leibler divergence criterion for
                        building the training set. The KL divergence measures
                        the difference in information content between the full
                        dataset and the training set. The smaller the value,
                        the more representative the training set will be with
                        respect to the full dataset. However, this will
                        produce a larger training set and increase both
                        runtime and RAM consumption during training. (default:
  -e eps, --epsilon eps
                        Convergence criterion (default: 0.01)
  -i iter, --maxiter iter
                        Maximum number of training iterations (default: 250)
  -t tasks, --n-tasks tasks
                        Number of parallel processes. By default all available
                        CPUs are used. (default: -1)
  --model model         Trained .json model (version 2.0+ models only)
                        (default: None)
  --motif motif         Score target motif declared using an extended dot-
                        bracket notation. Paired and unpaired bases are
                        denoted using parentheses '()' and dots '.',
                        respectively. A stretch of consecutive characters is
                        declared using the format <char>{<from>, <to>}. Can be
                        used in conjunction with --mask to modify the expected
                        underlying sequence of pairing states. (default: None)
  --path path           Target binary state sequence. When used in conjunction
                        with --motif, sequence constraintsfrom the motif
                        applied, but the state sequence provided by --path is
                        used to computeraw scores. (default: None)
  --hairpins            Score a representative set of hairpins (stem lengths 4
                        to 15; loop lengths 3 to 10). Automatically enabled
                        when the --HDSL flag is used. This flag overrides any
                        motif syntaxes provided via --motif. (default: False)
  --posteriors          Output the posterior probabilities of pairing states
                        (i.e. the probability Trellis) (default: False)
  --viterbi             Output the most likely sequence of pairing states for
                        entire transcripts (i.e. Viterbi paths) (default:
  --HDSL                Use scores a representative set of hairpins (stem
                        lengths 4 to 15; loop lengths 3 to 10) to quantify
                        structuredness across the input data. This flag
                        overrides any motif syntaxes provided via --motif and
                        also activates --posteriors. (default: False)
  --SPP                 Smoothed P(paired). Quantifies structuredness across
                        the input data via local pairing probabilities. This
                        flag activates --posteriors. (default: False)
  --nan                 To attempt statistical inferences on the pairing state
                        of nucleotides with missing data when training, set
                        this flag. Note that this can lead to meaningless
                        results if observation quality is low or long runs of
                        missing data exist in the data. (default: False)
  --print-nan           Include NaN scores when writing scores to file. If the
                        data contain large runs ofmissing data, setting this
                        flag may make score files very large. (default: False)
  --no-prompt           Do not prompt a question if existing output files
                        could be overwritten. Files in output directory will
                        be overwritten if present. Useful for automation using
                        scripts or for running patteRNA on computing servers.
                        (default: False)
  --min-cscores min     Minimum number of scores to sample during construction
                        of null distributions to usefor c-score normalization
                        (default: 1000)
  --no-cscores          Suppress the computation of c-scores during the
                        scoring phase (default: False)
  --batch-size size     Number of transcripts to process at once using a pool
                        of parallel workers (default: 100)
  -c length, --context length
                        Flanking distance to use when computing motif energy
                        loss (default: 40)


patteRNA uses a FASTA-like convention for probing data (see this example file). As patteRNA learns from data, non-normalized data can be used directly. Also, patteRNA fully supports negatives and zero values, even when applying a log-transformation to the data (via the -l flag). We recommend to not artificially set negative values to 0. Missing data values must be set to nan, NA or -999.

Training a model on a new dataset

By default, patteRNA learns its model from the data. Run an example training phase using the command:

patteRNA sample_data/weeks_set.shape sample_output -vl

If you ran the test during installation, you will be prompted about overwriting files in the existing directory test. Answer y/yes. Note that in this example we run patteRNA in verbose-mode (-v) and we log transform (-l) the input data.

This command will generate an output folder sample_output in the current directory which contains:

  • A log file: <date>.log
  • Trained model: trained_model.json
  • A plot of the fitted data: fit.png/fit.svg
  • A plot of the model's log-likelihood convergence: logL.png/logL.svg


patteRNA supports structural motifs (via the --motif flag) that contain no gaps. These options can be used in conjunction with training to perform both training and scoring using a single command. However, we recommend to train patteRNA first and use the trained model in subsequent searches for motifs. Trained models are saved as trained_model.json and can be loaded using the flag --model.

Motif Specification

Standard motifs can be declared using an extended dot-bracket notation where stretches of consecutive repeats are denoted by curly brackets. For instance, an hairpin of stem size 4 and loop size 5 can be declared by ((((.....)))) (full form) or alternatively ({4}.{5}){4} (short form). Curly brackets can also be used to indicate stretches of varying length using the convention {<from>,<to>}. For example, all loops of size 2 to 7 can be declared as .{2,7}. By default, RNA sequences are used to ensure a scored region sequence is compatible with the folding of the motif. RNA sequences must be provided in a FASTA file inputted using the option -f <fasta-file>. See example commands.

Score Files

The results of a motif search are saved in the file scores.txt in the output directory. This file contains putative sites the following columns:

  • Transcript name
  • Site start position (uses a 1-based encoding)
  • Score
  • c-score
  • Binary cross entropy (BCE)
  • Motif energy loss (MEL)
  • Prob(motif) (computed via logistic binary classifier)
  • Motif in dot-bracket notation
  • Nucleotide sequence

Additional outputs

Viterbi path

patteRNA can return the most likely sequence of pairing states across an entire transcript, called the Viterbi path, using the --viterbi flag. This will create a FASTA-like file called viterbi.txt in the output directory, with numerical pairing states encoded as 0/1 for unpaired/paired bases, respectively.

Posterior probabilities

The posterior probabilities of pairing states at each nucleotides can be requested using the flag --posteriors. This will output a FASTA-like file called posteriors.txt where the first and second lines (after the header) correspond to unpaired and paired probabilities, respectively.

Hairpin-derived structure level (HDSL)

HDSL is a measure of local structure that assists in converting patteRNA's predicted hairpins into a quantitative assenment of structuredness. This will output a FASTA-like file called hdsl.txt with HDSL profiles for all transcripts in the input data.


  • Train the model and search for loops of length 5:

    patteRNA sample_data/weeks_set.shape example_outputs/loop -vl --motif ".{5}" -f sample_data/weeks_set.fa
  • Search for all loops of length 5 using a trained model:

    patteRNA sample_data/weeks_set.shape example_outputs/loop_pretrained -vl --model test/trained_model.json --motif ".{5}" -f sample_data/weeks_set.fa
  • Search for hairpins of variable stem size 4 to 6 and loop size 5:

    patteRNA sample_data/weeks_set.shape example_outputs/hairpin -vl --model test/trained_model.json -f sample_data/weeks_set.fa --motif "({4,6}.{5}){4,6}"
  • Request HDSL profiles and the posterior state probabilities using a trained model:

    patteRNA sample_data/weeks_set.shape example_outputs/hdsl -vl --model test/trained_model.json --HDSL
  • Train a model using a set of reference transcripts:

    patteRNA sample_data/weeks_set.shape example_outputs/loop -vl -f sample_data/weeks_set.fa --reference sample_data/


If you used patteRNA in your research, please reference the following citations depending on which version of patteRNA you utilized.

Version 2.1:
Radecki P., Uppuluri R., Deshpande K., and Aviran S. (2021) "Accurate Detection of RNA Stem-Loops in Structurome Data Reveals Widespread Association with Protein Binding Sites." RNA Biology. (in press) doi: 10.1080/15476286.2021.1971382

Version 2.0:
Radecki P., Uppuluri R., and Aviran S. (2021) "Rapid Structure-Function Insights via Hairpin-Centric Analysis of Big RNA Structure Probing Datasets." NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 3(3). doi: 10.1093/nargab/lqab073

Issue Reporting

patteRNA is actively supported and all changes are listed in the CHANGELOG. To report a bug open a ticket in the issues tracker. Features can be requested by opening a pull request.


  • Pierce Radecki - Version 2 developer and current maintainer
  • Mirko Ledda - Initial implementation and developer
  • Rahul Uppuluri - Undergraduate contributor
  • Kaustubh Deshpande - Undergraduate contributor
  • Sharon Aviran - Principal Investigator


patteRNA is licensed under the BSD-2 License - see the LICENSE file for details.


  • You can run patteRNA directly from source without formal installation by running src.patteRNA as a module. For example, python -m src.patteRNA --version
  • If you are working with transcriptome-wide profiling data, consider using ribosomial RNAs as reference transcripts to achieve the highest quality model possible.


Rapid mining of RNA structure motifs from profiling data.







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