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Project demonstarting a simple note app. Using Clean Architecture and MVVM.

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Android Notes App - Clean Architecture with Hilt, MVVM, and Room DB


This Android Notes App is designed with a clean architecture approach, incorporating Hilt for dependency injection, MVVM for the presentation layer, and Room DB for local data storage. The project structure follows a modular organization for better maintainability and scalability.

Project Structure

├── MainActivity.kt                  # Main entry point of the Android application.
├── NoteApp.kt                      # Application class responsible for initializing components and application-wide configurations.
├── commons
│   ├── Constants.kt                # Defines application-wide constants.
│   ├── exceptions
│   │   └── InvalidNoteException.kt    # Custom exception class for handling invalid note scenarios.
│   └── mappers
│       └── NoteMappers.kt          # Contains mappers for converting between different data representations.
├── data
│   ├── localdatasource
│   │   ├── NoteDao.kt              # Data Access Object (DAO) interface for Room Database.
│   │   ├── NoteDataBase.kt        # Room Database class responsible for managing local data storage.
│   │   └── NoteEntity.kt           # Entity class representing a Note in the local database.
│   └── repository
│       └── NoteRepository.kt       # Repository class coordinating data operations, acting as a bridge between the data source and domain layer.
├── di
│   ├── AppModule.kt                # Dependency Injection module providing application-level dependencies.
│   ├── RepositoryModule.kt         # Dependency Injection module handling repository-level dependencies.
│   └── UseCaseModule.kt            # Dependency Injection module managing use case-level dependencies.
├── domain
│   ├── model
│   │   └── Note.kt                 # Data model representing a Note in the domain layer.
│   ├── repository
│   │   └── INoteRepository.kt      # Interface defining the contract for interacting with note-related data in the repository.
│   └── usecases
│       ├── AddNoteUseCase.kt       # Use case for adding a new Note.
│       ├── DeleteNoteUseCase.kt    # Use case for deleting a Note.
│       ├── GetAllNotesUseCase.kt   # Use case for retrieving all Notes.
│       └── NotesUseCases.kt        # Aggregator file for organizing all use cases.
├── presentation
│   ├── NotesViewModel.kt           # ViewModel class managing UI-related data and communication with the domain layer.
│   ├── screens
│   │   ├── NoteListScreen.kt       # UI screen displaying a list of notes.
│   │   └── components
│   │       ├── AddNotesBottomSheet.kt   # UI component representing a bottom sheet for adding notes.
│   │       ├── NoteCard.kt         # UI component representing a card view for displaying a single note.
│   │       └── NotesList.kt        # UI component representing a list of notes.
│   └── state
│       └── NotesState.kt           # Class defining the state management for notes in the UI.
└── ui
    └── theme
        ├── Color.kt                 # File defining color resources for the UI.
        ├── Theme.kt                 # File defining theme resources for the UI.
        └── Type.kt                  # File defining type resources for the UI.

The project structure is organized into different modules to separate concerns and promote a clean architecture design:

  • app: Contains the main components of the application, including the MainActivity and the NoteApp class.

  • commons: Holds common utilities, constants, exceptions, and mappers used across different modules.

    • Constants.kt: Defines application-wide constants.
    • exceptions: Contains custom exceptions like InvalidNoteException.
    • mappers: Includes mappers for converting between different data representations.
  • data: Manages data-related components, including local data sources and repositories.

    • localdatasource: Contains Room Database-related components such as NoteDao, NoteDataBase, and NoteEntity.
    • repository: Houses the NoteRepository responsible for coordinating data operations.
  • di: Handles Dependency Injection modules using Hilt.

    • AppModule.kt: Provides application-level dependencies.
    • RepositoryModule.kt: Handles repository-level dependencies.
    • UseCaseModule.kt: Manages use case-level dependencies.
  • domain: Represents the domain layer containing business logic, models, repository interfaces, and use cases.

    • model: Defines the data models, such as Note.
    • repository: Contains the repository interface INoteRepository.
    • usecases: Includes use cases for adding, deleting, and retrieving notes.
  • presentation: Implements the MVVM architecture for the presentation layer.

    • NotesViewModel.kt: Manages UI-related data and communicates with the domain layer.
    • screens: Contains different UI screens, such as NoteListScreen.
    • components: Includes reusable UI components like AddNotesBottomSheet and NoteCard.
    • state: Defines the state management classes, like NotesState.
  • ui: Manages UI-related resources, such as themes and colors.

    • theme: Defines the color, theme, and type resources for the UI.

Getting Started

To get started with the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Open the project in Android Studio.
  3. Build and run the application on an emulator or physical device.


The project relies on the following major dependencies:

  • Hilt for dependency injection.
  • Room DB for local data storage.
  • ViewModel, State, Flow for UI-related data management.

Make sure to check the individual module's build.gradle files for a comprehensive list of dependencies.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Special thanks to all contributors and open-source projects that made this application possible.

Happy coding!


Project demonstarting a simple note app. Using Clean Architecture and MVVM.






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