I was born and raised in the Caribbean on the island of Saint Lucia. I continue to reside there to this day. Currently, I am the Software Team Lead and Research Assistant at Elizabeth Consulting International Inc..
🔭 I’m Currently Working On:
- Managing the delivery of software products at Elizabeth Consulting International Inc..
- Preparing for the SAT exams
- Preparing for the Prince2 Agile Project Management Foundation Exam.
- Preparing for the CAPE Pure Math Unit I and II exam(May/June 2024).
🌱 I’m Currently Learning:
- Ruby on Rails
- Julia
- Fortran
👯 I’m Looking to Collaborate On:
I am open to collaborations that complement my current work:
- Research and Technology
- Software Development
⚡ Fun fact:
I can wiggle my ears.
📫 How to reach me: Feel free to let me know if you want to collaborate on a project or if you need project management advice. Here's where you can find me:
- Email: apopo@ec-intl.com