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Azure Landing Zones Bicep - Deployment Flow - Hub and Spoke


This deploys a hub and spoke network topology to the Azure Landing Zone foundation.

Please review and run the Deployment Flow before running these modules.

Module Deployment Sequence

There are 2 options available to deploy the Hub & Spoke networking topology. One that uses an orchestration module for the spoke networking and one that does not.

We recommend using option 1 were possible as the orchestration module has some added benefits, like subscription placement, as well as the spoke networking.

Option 1 - Using Orchestration Module

This option does utilize an orchestration module (a module that wrap/call other modules).

Deployment Order Module Description Prerequisites Module Documentation
1 Hub Networking Creates Hub networking infrastructure with Azure Firewall to support Hub & Spoke network topology in the Connectivity subscription. Management Groups, Subscription for Hub Networking. infra-as-code/bicep/modules/hubNetworking
2 Hub Peered Spoke Networking Creates Spoke networking infrastructure for workloads with Virtual Network Peering (optional) to support Hub & Spoke network topology or Virtual Hub Connection (optional). Also can optionally place Subscription in specified Management Group, create VNet Peering in both directions, create UDR and configure a next hop IP for the default route ( Review docs of module for more information. Management Groups, Hub Networking & Subscription for spoke networking infra-as-code/bicep/orchestration/hubPeeredSpoke

Option 2 - No Orchestration Module

This option doesn't utilize any orchestration modules (modules that wrap/call other modules).

Deployment Order Module Description Prerequisites Module Documentation
1 Hub Networking Creates Hub networking infrastructure with Azure Firewall to support Hub & Spoke network topology in the Connectivity subscription. Management Groups, Subscription for Hub Networking. infra-as-code/bicep/modules/hubNetworking
2 Spoke Network Creates Spoke networking infrastructure for workloads to support Hub & Spoke network topology. Spoke subscriptions are used for deploying construction sets and workloads. Management Groups, Hub Networking & Subscription for spoke networking infra-as-code/bicep/modules/spokeNetworking
3 VNet Peering Creates VNet peering between 2 VNets (e.g. Hub & Spoke). Make sure to run this module twice, once in each direction. e.g. Hub to Spoke and then Spoke to Hub Management Groups, Hub Networking & Spoke Network infra-as-code/bicep/modules/vnetPeering