Bug fixes
- A Fix implemented to omit failures in receive handler. With this change, receive handler will continue working until handler is cancelled. (#354)
- Client to throw EventHubsTimeoutException instead of System.TimeoutException for consistency. (#328)
- Adding send plugin support to SDK. With plugins, you can manipulate or log events/messages right before they are sent. (#324)
- EventHubPartitionRuntimeInformation.IsEmpty will depict whether subject partition has any messages or not. (#352)
- EventData.SystemProperties made public for addressing mockability concerns. (#332)
Breaking changes
- ILeaseManager.GetAllLeases removed and ILeaseManager.GetAllLeasesAsync() added. (#357 )
Bug fixes
- Fixing a cleanup issue at processor unregister call stack which was failing the next register call on the same host. (#342)
- Use Azure Storage Account NameValidator to check validity of LeaseContainerName. (#307)
- Lease manager now conducts lease operations in parallel instead of sequential which helps to renew or acuire leases quicker than before. (#333)
- Multiple improvements to reduce the number of storage calls in lease manager. (#357)
Here are the corresponding NuGet packages: