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Admin API

Paula Gombar edited this page Sep 3, 2021 · 6 revisions

Since this API is exposed by the runtime, the base URL is: https://<functionappname> Hitting the URLs require the functions' master key to be passed in the header as x-functions-key.

Host status API

GET /admin/host/status/


  "id": "bad1ecf31b47-2137340777",
  "state": "Running",
  "version": "",
  "versionDetails": " Commit hash: N/A"

Host ping API

POST /admin/host/status/

Response: empty body

Logs API

POST /admin/host/logs/

    "Level": 2,
    "FunctionName": "MyFunc",
    "Source": "runtime",
    "Message": "Some Message"

Response: empty body

Sync function triggers

POST /admin/host/synctriggers/

Response: empty body

Create function API

PUT /admin/function/{function_name}

Response: 201 (Created) if successful, 400 for bad requests (function name invalid or app in read-only mode), 500 if failed to create


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