Methods | Endpoint API | Usage |
POST | /auth/signup | Create a new user account |
GET | /auth/signin | Verify a user based on email and password |
GET | /user/search | Searching 'public_id' in the DB if exist, to verify whether user should sign in first or not |
POST | /warehouse/goods/create | Create a new raw material to store in the database |
GET | /warehouse/goods/search/name | Searching particular raw material based on some keyword |
GET | /warehouse/goods/get/all | Get all raw material data based on 'public_id' user |
GET | /warehouse/goods/get | Get particular raw material based on 'goods_id' |
PUT | /warehouse/goods/update | Update raw material data in the database |
DELETE | /warehouse/goods/delete/<goods_id> | Delete raw material data in the database |
GET | /warehouse/goods/demand/predict/<goods_id> | Get prediction of future demand from particular goods/raw material based on past data |
GET | /warehouse/goods/report/goodsout | Get report data for item data out |
GET | /warehouse/goods/report/goodsin | Get report data for item data in |
Endpoint API | Request Body (form-data) |
/auth/signup | email, password |
Endpoint API | Query Parameter / URL Parameter |
/auth/signin | email, password |
Endpoint API | Request Body (form-data) |
/warehouse/goods/create | public_id, goods_name, goods_quantity, goods_unit, goods_price |
/warehouse/goods/update | public_id, goods_id, goods_name, goods_quantity, goods_unit, goods_price |
Endpoint API | Query Parameter / URL Parameter |
/warehouse/goods/search/name | public_id, keyword |
/warehouse/goods/get | public_id, goods_id |
/warehouse/goods/get/all | public_id |
/user/search | public_id |
/warehouse/goods/report/goodsout | public_id |
/warehouse/goods/report/goodsin | public_id |
Endpoint API | Relative URL |
/warehouse/goods/delete/<goods_id> | goods_id |
/warehouse/goods/demand/predict/<goods_id> | goods_id |
Endpoint API | Response Body | Status Code |
/auth/signup | {status:Int, message:String, error:String} | 201 |
/auth/signin | {data:{public_id:String, full_name:String, shop_name:String}, status:Int, message:String} | 200 |
/warehouse/goods/create | {status:Int, message:String} | 201 |
/warehouse/goods/search/name | {data:{goods_name:String, goods_quantity:Float, goods_unit:String, goods_price:Int}, status:Int, message:String} | 200 |
/warehouse/goods/get | {data:{goods_name:String, goods_quantity:Float, goods_unit:String, goods_price:Int}, status:Int, message:String} | 200 |
/warehouse/goods/get/all | {data:{detail_data:[{goods_id:Int, goods_name:String, goods_quantity:Float, goods_unit:String, goods_price:Int},{goods_id:Int, goods_name:String, goods_quantity:Float, goods_unit:String, goods_price:Int},...], total_data:Int}, status:Int, message:String} | 200 |
/warehouse/goods/update | {updated_data:{goods_id:Int, goods_name:String, goods_quantity:Float, goods_unit:String, goods_price:Int}, status:Int, message:String} | 200 |
/warehouse/goods/delete/<goods_id> | {status:Int, message:String} | 200 |
/warehouse/godos/demand/predict/<goods_id> | {data:[{date:String, prediction:String},{date:String, prediction:String},...], status:Int, message:String} | 200 |
/user/search | {data:{found:Int, public_id:String, full_name:String, shop_name:String}, message:String} | 200 |
/warehouse/goods/report/goodsout | {data:[{datetime:String, goods_name:String, goods_quantity:Float, goods_unit:String},{datetime:String, goods_name:String, goods_quantity:Float, goods_unit:String},...], message:String, status:Int} | 200 |
/warehouse/goods/report/goodsin | {data:[{datetime:String, goods_name:String, goods_quantity:Float, goods_unit:String},{datetime:String, goods_name:String, goods_quantity:Float, goods_unit:String},...], message:String, status:Int} | 200 |