A curated list of awesome projects by students of the Bangkit Academy 2021.
Bangkit Academy (or just Bangkit) is offered as an approved Kampus Merdeka program supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. Enrolling up to 3,000 university students across 3 learning paths (Machine Learning, Mobile Development, and Cloud Computing) to help them grow in-demand skills in tech throughout the even semester of 2021. More details about Bangkit see g.co/bangkit →
Capstone project is one of the graduation requirements for students from Bangkit. This project demands student collaboration between learning paths, so the end result is an android application with machine learning algorithms and cloud services on the backend.
NOTE: All project credits belong to the project developer.
There are also several themes for the project:
- Competitive Human Resources
- Economic Resilience
- Healthcare
- Infrastructure Development
- Mobility & Smart City
- National Identity and Character Building
- Political Stability, Rule of Law, National Security & PublicServices Transformation
- Women Empowerment and Child Protection
- Environmental Conservation, Disaster Resilience, and Climate Change
- Regional Development
- Education & Research
- Food Security
- FoodFacts - an app that could detect the amount of calories and nutrients of food by taking pictures of it, then keep track of what kind of food you eat throughout the day.
- PhotocuratioN - an easy to use Android App to predict manipulated image focused on human face.
- VERIFY - easy to use Android App for fact-checking and hoax news prediction.
Your contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the Contribution Guidelines first.
I can be sure to accept your contribution by opening a pull request as long as following the provided format and contribution guidelines.
If you have any question about this curated list project, do not hesitate to contact me Tele @sonadztux on Telegram, FB @sonadztux on Facebook, or open an issue on GitHub.